CWA Negotiation Update 15 June 2019

by Cargolux Board
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After several negotiation meetings with management over the past few months (the latest one held on June 13th, 2019) there are still large gaps between the parties’ positions concerning the key claims for both ground staff and pilots.

Since the start of the conciliation process in February this year, we were able to find compromise on some items, but finally had to come to the conclusion that management is either unwilling to close the remaining gaps or does not have a sufficient mandate from the Cargolux shareholders.

The unions will now ask for a meeting with the national conciliation office (ONC) as a final opportunity to reach an agreement or after which point a non-conciliation may be declared after consultation with the members.

At this point, we are still not able to go into details regarding the claims but can touch on the major items where we are stuck:

  • Removal of the “B-Scale” (added Time Units, vacation spool-up, career progression including horizontal move when upgraded to Captain)
  • Flight time limitations (when to augment and how to augment)
  • Cargolux-Italia matter
  • Improvement of the off-day scheme with acceptable rules that provide increased roster stability
  • Notwithstanding any legal index increase, ground staff has not received a salary increase for 13 years and pilots for 17 years

There will be more information following very soon to let everyone know how to support the continuing efforts of your negotiation teams in order to deliver sustainable CWA conditions.