Members Update on SwissLife Supplementary Pension Scheme

by Cargolux Board
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In recent members updates we informed you about changes in the new regulations concerning the pilot scheme of the SwissLife Supplementary Pension Scheme. After consulting our lawyer a letter was sent to management informing them about these grievances in late August 2018.

In the Comite Mixte meeting on 27 September 2018, the company together with several SwissLife representatives admitted, that some of the changes indeed were to the detriment of the employees.

The CEO of Cargolux stated that management never intended any of these changes and presented a written statement, signed by the CEO of SwissLife, stating that all changes that were not beneficial to the employees will be reversed with immediate effect. Please click here to read this letter.

Furthermore it was agreed that SwissLife will collectively work with representatives of Cargolux and the ALPL Pension Committee on the proposed modifications to the contract, ensuring that any changes will not disadvantage the employees, but rather be made to their benefit.

We would like to thank everyone, who gave us feedback on this subject and made us aware of the problem. This way we were able to act on it quickly.