Dirk Becker No Comments

Know your CWA 2017 – Crew Positioning Travel

In this part of our series “Know your CWA” we would like to expand on “Crew Positioning Travel” and more specifically on Art. B1-38.3.1.


B1-38.3 Crew Positioning Travel

B1-38.3.1 All crew commercial positioning flights, shall be booked “Business Class“ except on Luxair intra-European point-to-point flights or unless agreed differently between the company and the pilot representatives for specific routes. Should business class seats not be available, the next lower available class with maximum comfort options, when available, shall be booked only in order to avoid operational disruption.


All positioning flights on other airlines, except those operated by Luxair, shall be booked in “Business Class“. This means that it is the obligation of the company to provide “Business Class“ tickets if you are required to travel on behest of the company.

The article allows only for the following two exceptions:

  1. Unless agreed differently between the Company and the Pilot Representatives for specific routes.

Presently the Pilot Representatives accept that only on routes operated by Luxair under LG flight numbers between Luxembourg (LUX) and any airport served by Luxair directly and vice versa that crew positioning travel may be booked in Economy Class. On all other routes it is the obligation of the company to book all positioning travel in “Business Class“.

Art. 5.3 of the CWA defines the Pilot Representatives. These comprise of your ALPL Cargolux Divisional Board, whose members mostly also are Delegates in the Cargolux Delegation.

  1. Should business class seats not be available, the next lower available class with maximum comfort options, when available, shall be booked only in order to avoid operational disruption.”

As long as one airline provides “Business Class“ on a route a pilot should position on,  the pilot is entitled to position in “Business Class“. Only if no “Business Class“ seats are available at all, the company can book a lower class to avoid an operational delay of the next flight a crew members is scheduled to operate.

Tip: In this regards it is always a good idea to also check the flights on the internet and where applicable take a screen shot and advise Crew Control of the “Business Class” seats available.

A pilot is scheduled to position from A to B. This route is served by several airlines, of which at least one offers “Business Class“. The pilot is entitled to and can insist that his positioning is in “Business Class“ and that his travel arrangements are changed accordingly, by e.g. booking him on a different flight or a different airline.

Please follow this link to download your copy of the CWA for your perusal on the company provided iPad or any other computer for future reference.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at cvboard@alpl.lu for clarification.

All parts of this series can be found here in the Publications section under Cargolux Board.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Know your CWA 2017 – General

Today we are launching the second edition of our series “Know your CWA”, which was first introduced and published in 2014. We will provide information on a regular basis to allow you to better understand “your CWA”. A document, which is of extreme importance when it comes to our working conditions, now and in the future!

Our Collective Work Agreement (CWA) has an immense impact on our private lives. As per its Article 1.1, the objective of the CWA is “… to regulate the labour relations and the general working conditions at Cargolux Airlines International S.A.  … in order to promote a favourable social climate within the Company.

The CWA, being part of the individual work contract, is the document which outlines the employment relation between the employee – you – and the company. In other words; the CWA defines rights and obligations of both parties; the company on one side and the employee on the other side. The CWA is a legally binding document!

It needs to be understood by both parties, that any deviation from the CWA requires the mutual consent of both the company, represented by e.g. a colleague from crew control, and the individual pilot concerned. Only by mutual consent it is possible to deviate from the CWA.

When a deviation from the CWA is agreed to, always make sure that other applicable rules, e.g. the company’s OM-A, are strictly respected. Especially in the current environment with frequent roster changes and disruptions it is very important to ensure that limitations in OM-A Chapter 7 “Flight and Duty Time Limitations” are always adhered to!

In short; when it comes to your rights you may always insist that the CWA is followed.

Please follow this link to download your copy of the CWA for your perusal on the company provided iPad or any other computer for future reference.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at cvboard@alpl.lu for clarification.

All parts of this series can be found here in the Publications section under Cargolux Board.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Members Update May 2017/2

This is an update on the Delegation Elections 2013 and Part Time contracts.

As already communicated to you earlier this month, we were able to obtain the court victory regarding the ongoing issue of the delegation election contestation by one member of the OGB-L in 2013. We were successful in obtaining an injunction against David Massaro ordering him to convene the “newly” elected delegation within 15 working days.

In the same context we also received an answer from the ITM (Inspection du Travail et des Mines). On Tuesday, 25 April 1017 a meeting with the ITM was held to hear arguments pertaining to a “recours” that was filed, once again with the aim of delaying the delegation members that were elected in 2013. In short; This “recours” was rejected by the ITM.

Hence, with no more options left, David Massaro did invite the newly elected delegates to a meeting on 12 June 2017 in order to constitute the new staff delegation.

In conclusion it is fair to say that this entire affair is a good example to show that persistence and patience does pay off in the end.

Part Time
It was brought to our attention that management has tried to use the implementation of Part-Time to introduce a certain clause into the Part-Time contract, which is not in line with the current CWA and contradictory to binding EU legislation. Furthermore, these changes have been added at a later stage and were not discussed with Pilot Representatives when the contracts were initially discussed last year.

In Article 4 Varia of the “AMENDMENT TO CREW EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT” it states now:

“The Employee hereby agrees to hold a license with privileges needed to operate as a pilot for Cargolux issued by the Direction de l’aviation civile (DACL), or another competent authority if specifically requested by Cargolux. The Employee is responsible for ensuring that his license and the qualifications therein are revalidated in a timely fashion so as to not disrupt his availability for flying duties.”

In fact this clause forces a pilot to either obtain a license issued in Luxembourg or any other license they deem necessary.

We strongly believe that this practice is not only unethical and not in line with negotiating in good faith but we also think that these clauses potentially severely disadvantage the pilot willing to opt for a Part-Time contract.

We therefore advise our members for the time being not to accept any alterations of their contracts and not to sign these modified conditions.

Please remember that the company also denies pilots a return clause from Part-Time, which means that a pilot signing a new contract will be effectively stuck with this further deterioration of his or her working conditions.

We would also like to emphasize that any flight crew license issued in accordance with EASA Part FCL by any competent authority qualifies to operate Cargolux aircraft. The license is the sole property of the individual pilot and management has no right to force somebody to transfer his or her license to the DAC-L as issuing authority, to any other authority nor into a non-EASA license. Should you feel more comfortable to hold an EASA Part FCL license issued by another competent authority than the DAC-L, it is your right to keep it or to transfer your license to any other competent authority of an “EASA member state”.

We are closely monitoring the situation and will advise you as soon as management reconsiders this new practice.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Pilot Solidarity Days – Sigrid Schulz

Back in 2009 a project was started to collect a pool of days in order to cover exceptional difficult situations some of us may be faced with during our career with Cargolux. The project was called Pilot Solidarity Days (PSD) and has been set up in agreement with Flight Operations Management and the ALPL. The intention of this project is solely to help colleagues in need and show solidarity within the pilot group.
This is the case today for our fellow colleague Sigrid Schulz.

Sigrid has long been suffering and only in recent months her doctors confirmed and began treatment for cancer. Unfortunately, Sigrid had used much of her sick leave during the time that it took for the doctors to diagnose the problem.
Today, after permanently losing her Medical Certificate, Sigrid has been reclassified as ground staff and is in danger of losing her contract as she runs out of sick leave.
We all hope that she will be able to continue her fight and endure the treatment so that she will be able to regain her strength.
In the spirit of solidarity, we ask you to donate any vacation or off days, which would enable her to continue to focus on her treatments without being burdened with the worry of her contract expiring.
If you would like to support Sigrid, please click here and indicate how many days you would like to donate.
On behalf of Sigrid we thank you for your solidarity and your participation!

Dirk Becker No Comments

Catering Survey

As some of you may already have read the article about the catering survey in the VC magazine,

We would like to take the opportunity and invite all of you to participate. It should be coming out next week.
This will be your opportunity to rate, comment and give inputs to the catering and for us in the catering group it will be a beneficial overview about your expectations and desires.

Please think about it and let us know what is really important for you in catering matters and what is not.
We can then act on the results to (hopefully) find the best way to improve the food and satisfy your souls.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Update on Delegation Elections 2013

As you probably have read already we were able to obtain the court victory regarding the ongoing issue of the delegation election contestation by one member of the OGB-L in 2013.

After receiving the judgement by the “Cour Administrative” of Luxembourg we initially thought that this issue was settled. However, by bringing forward bogus claims of alleged irregularities a member of the OGB-L filed yet another contestation almost four years after the deadline for such claims had expired. Unfortunately, the EVP HR, Legal Affairs and Compliance initially encouraged these proceedings by arguing that this contestation might be well founded.

As to be expected the court that had to deal with this latest lawsuit, which was brought forward by the ALPL lawyer, found these claims groundless.

We were able to obtain an injunction against David Massaro ordering him to convene the “newly” elected delegation within 15 days. This injunction is immediately enforceable, meaning that even if Mr. Massaro decided to appeal this decision, this appeal would not have any suspensive effect.

Should Mr. Massaro elect to further unlawfully delay the convention of the rightfully elected delegation we still have the possibility to seize the judge to get him sentenced to a daily fine if he does not comply. In addition, we are also ready to file criminal charges against Mr. Massaro, a step we so far were trying to avoid in order not to complicate the situation further and to give another excuse to delay the proceedings even further.

This important victory, which took almost four years, countless hours of work and substantial legal expenses, shows nevertheless, that fighting for our rights is indeed worth the effort. Although obtaining legal relief in Luxembourg sometimes is painfully slow, this outcome once again shows that patience and persistence will be rewarded in the end.

We would like to thank our members for the continued support, not only with this issue, but also regarding the numerous other battles we are being forced to deal with both at the legal and the political front. In this context, we would like to remind you how important our representation in the staff delegation is. Especially considering the upcoming CWA negotiations and possible new delegation elections your vote is of utmost importance and will have a direct effect on any future CWA.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Members Update May 2017

Please find below some information concerning “Back to Back” operation, Delegationand an update from the Hotel Committee.

Back to Back operation
On Monday 10 April 2017 we forwarded you the letter that was sent to the Chief Pilot´s Office regarding the “Back to Back” operation. Meanwhile we have followed up with a second letter to ensure compliance with EASA FTL.

The lack of standardisation of implementing the EASA rules has caused confusion and frustration amongst us crew members and poses a significant risk for flight-safety since more than a year now.

It is imperative to have this rectified so that we can actively measure the effectiveness of the EASA rules to truly mitigate fatigue in advance when operating the aircraft. This measurement is supported by continuous fatigue reports through the iQSMS or LEAF applications that you submit.

With only 4 months before the start of the traditional high season the demand for air cargo remains high whereas the recruitment of new pilots and upgrades to new captains do not keep up with this development. We are sure that all of you do not want to be exposed to disruptive schedules and operating to the limits of the regulations again, all of it with the threat of sanctions for not-complying with regulations that have not been clearly defined in the first place!

We have therefore provided a guidance on what to expect with “Back to Back” and what to do if this expectation is not supported by the Flight Operations Department. We acknowledge the fact that this normally would fall under the competency and responsibility of management, but since Cargolux elected to stay passive thus exploiting another legal grey area on the expense of their employees we decided to send out this information.

In general we advise you not to operate any flight if you feel that you will not be able to fulfil your duties as a crewmember due to fatigue.

We have not yet abandoned all hope that Flight Operations Management will meet their legal obligations to give adequate guidance and support all crew members in following these mandatory regulations.

This is not only about legal compliance with mandatory EU-regulations or the avoidance of sanctions to crew-members, this is about your health and safety!

On Tuesday, 25 March 1017, your elected delegation representatives met with representatives of the ITM (Inspection du Travail et des Mines) to hear arguments pertaining the latest “recours” that has been filed, once again with the aim of challenging the election results of 2013.

Please bear in mind that after a lengthy legal battle we obtained a final and uncontestable court decision stating that the results are valid. Nevertheless, the current president of the delegation, Mr. David Massaro, elected to disregard this decision of the highest court of Luxembourg in January 2017 and after almost four years still refuses to assemble the lawfully elected delegation.

We showed up for that meeting well prepared, together with our two lawyers who fiercely argued the case. Without going into details, it was obvious that the argument of the OGBL lawyer – “the contestation of the results is valid and has a suspensory effect, preventing the new delegation to gather” – was groundless, ill-conceived and absurd.

Nobody in the room could follow his argument, that the original deadline that expired 10 days after the election in 2013(!) was suspended and the contestation therefore valid. Thus, it was only a small surprise that even the company lawyer of Cargolux, Maitre Castegnaro, did follow our line of argumentation.

A final decision of the ITM regarding the validity of the election results will be obtained within the next two weeks. However, we should manage our expectations. It could be possible that the opposing party will be able to further stall the process by filing bogus claims.

We already discussed with our lawyers an alternate strategy in case this risk materializes.

Hotel Committee
The past few years has seen the Hotel Committee (HC) facing various challenges to ensure standards are maintained. From the company´s side the HC has a new management team to answer to and it also welcomed 3 new members of the HC.

Currently the company is represented by Ingvi Halldorsson, Joni Greco, and Madelene Fasol. Flight Operations now no longer has any involvement with the hotel process any more. 4 pilots are also members of the HC. These are Sebastien Henry (South America), Joachim Eder (Asia), Daniel Schlim, (Middle East) and Dave Wainwright (USA and Chairman).

On behalf of the new chairman of the HC and all our colleagues we like to take this opportunity to welcome the new members and thank them for taking up the job.

They are taking over the roles that were filled by Koen Teirlinck and Pablo Alvarez, who for the past 8 and 10 years respectively have put in many weeks, days and hours to ensure that we have had a hotel standard that we deserve. They have gone above and beyond the call of duty in achieving the standards that we take for granted today. We would also like to thank Tomas Ejyolfsson, who last year regrettably had to step down as the chairman of the HC after 4 years of running a superbly good operation.

The HC is here to ensure that the hotels we stay at are quiet, safe and secure! Additionally, they endeavor to make sure that our hotel standards are maintained and that in these times of long duties and minimum rest times we are rested in accommodation that allows us to undertake our schedules safely knowing that the rest we expect will not be undermined by cost cutting threats or substandard hotels.

On the line we hear many rumors about hotels and contracts and as many of you know the HC has secured long term contract’s in both JFK and HKG. However, as the year draws on we are faced with new concerns regarding our hotel network as management seek to make further cost cutting measures into the budget. Whilst the committee is working actively with management to try and achieve the desired budget constraints, they are not prepared to see a degradation in our rest and recuperation standards. As such the challenges remain for us all.

Management has indicated that our hotel standards are secure for another year at least, but with the new CWA negotiations just around the corner, there is no indication that this will be the case for the future. We all know how important it is to achieve good rest down route under our new FTLs and we recently agreed upon the Hotel Policy, which will go a long way to ensuring that whilst we may see minor changes in hotels on our network, the quality of your rest should not, and will not be affected.

If you find issues with the accommodation of a contractual nature, or not your usual contracted hotel, please file a VR and send an email to the HC at hotel@alpl.lu. It is very difficult to achieve anything by way of rumor.

Dirk Becker No Comments

New Cargolux Divisional Board

On 25 April 2017 the Cargolux Ordinary Divisional Assembly took place. One topic on the agenda was the election of a new ALPL Divisional Board after the regular two-year term.

After serving six and respectively three years on the ALPL Cargolux Divisional Board, Dirk Becker and Frank Scheitweiler have decided not to stand for re-election. We whole hearty thank Dirk and Frank for their great work throughout the past years they served on the board representing the interests of us Cargolux pilots in difficult and challenging times.

Both will continue their work within the association – Dirk as the ALPL Executive Secretary and Frank as the Chairman of the Catering Committee. On behalf of all members the newly elected Cargolux Divisional Board wishes them all the best.

The new Divisional Board consists of the following board members:

               Bernhard Novak   Markus Neuber
     George Karambilas                 Bernhard Novak              Markus Neuber

            Peter Bauer                    Heiko Fleischmann              Michael Kaiser                    

                                                                 Xavier Nolf

We are pleased that Heiko, Peter and Xavier decided to put their names onto the candidates list for the election and to actively get involved in the future work of the board. Whilst Heiko is new in this kind of business, Peter and Xavier have already gained experience in representative work – Peter used to serve on the Cargolux Divisional Board in the past and Xavier was a Delegate with one of his previous employers.

We are confident to have the right team to deal with current and also future challenges backed up by you, our members.

Thank you very much for your continued support!

Dirk Becker No Comments

Members Update on Cargolux Staff Meeting 6 April 2017

We would like to thank those of you, who provided questions to be answered by EXCOM at the staff meeting last week on 06 April 2017.

The 26 questions, that were submitted, were handed personally to the CEO before the staff meeting to allow EXCOM to provide answers to these questions.

ExCom has decided to answer the question in a video that will be produced in the coming days.