Dirk Becker No Comments

New Cargolux Divisional Board 2019

On 15 April 2019 the Cargolux Ordinary Divisional Assembly took place. One topic on the agenda was the election of a new ALPL Divisional Board after the regular two-year term.

After serving four and respectively two consecutive years on the ALPL Cargolux Divisional Board, George Karambilas and Xavier Nolf have decided not to stand for re-election. We whole hearty thank George and Xavier for their dedicated work throughout the past years, representing the interests of us Cargolux pilots in difficult and challenging times.

Whilst Xavier decided to take a break and focus on different things, George will continue his work within the association as chairman of the Hotel Committee and member of the FSAG. In addition he is the president of the Cargolux Staff Delegation. On behalf of all members the newly elected Cargolux Divisional Board wishes them all the best.

The new Divisional Board consists of the following board members:

We are pleased that Luka, Olle and Johannes decided to put their names onto the candidates list for the election and to actively get involved in the future work, which resulted in having 8 candidates for 7 positions within the board. In this regard we would like to thank Peter Bauer for also being a candidate and his preparedness to continue to be a board member.

We are confident to have the right team – a good mix of experience and fresh new ideas – to deal with current and also future challenges backed up by you, our members.

Thank you very much for your continued support!

Dirk Becker No Comments

CWA Negotiation Update 12 April 2019

The CWA negotiations took place on April 8th and 11th, representing the second round of discussions since the CEO joined these talks. In this regard we see a genuine commitment to avoid delays.

We would like to keep everyone informed about the progress, however there is actually not much to say at this point. There was hope for significant movement towards our claims but in reality, there remains a significant gap between the respective positions on the most important items. Some CWA text changes were presented, and we requested counterproposals from management.

All parties now have a bit of homework in preparation for the next meetings which are now scheduled on 26th and 30th of April.

Dirk Becker No Comments

New Cargolux Delegation

On Tuesday, 09 April 2019, the constituent meeting of the Delegation took place. The agenda was to fill the different positions by electing delegates into various functions.

The results are as follows:

George Karambilas (LCGB)

Vice – President:
Dirk Becker (LCGB)

Michael Kaiser (LCGB)

Equality Delegate:
Marie-Louise Kemp (SEA)

Health and Safety Delegate:
Laurent Belener (SEA)


In addition to the above, Luka Rasmusen (LCGB), Peter Schuster-Woldan (LCGB) and Yves Hendel (SEA) were unanimously nominated to fill three positions in the Board of the Delegation.

Together with the effective and substitute delegates we will make sure that the interests of all Cargolux employees will be represented during our mandate for the next five years.

Dirk Becker No Comments

First Meeting of the NEW Delegation

The newly elected delegates will meet for their first meeting on April 9th.

In this meeting the delegates will elect amongst them the president, vice president, secretary and the members of the office of the delegation. Additionally the delegates will elect the safety and equality delegates.

Your Board and all those who were involved in the election campaign would like to thank you once again for your support and more important to do whatever was needed to cast your votes. As pilots we have to rely on the postal voting procedure, which in its current form is certainly not perfect and should be revised. However our members managed again to make the best out of it.

Special thanks go to all candidates, elected effective and substitutes and also to those who have not been elected. Without a full list of 32 candidates the success in this election would have not been possible.

More information will be published after the first meeting.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Members Update – March 2019

Please find below an update regarding:

  • 100% compliance with your CWA
  • Fatigue Alerts
  • Social Security Payments – Part Time
  • STBY replaced by FDP

100% compliance with your CWA
After the pretty intense start into the year with the delegation election scheduled on March 12th, we are now back in negotiation mode.

On 14th February 2019 we successfully started the conciliation process at the ONC, which elevated the whole negotiations to the next level. This and the great result of the delegation election, despite not final yet as they could be contested until 1stApril 2019, is a clear signal towards management that changes in the new CWA are required.

Whereas this alone will not result in improvements, we highly recommend continuing to follow the published guidelines on “100% compliance with your CWA”, which you can download here, should you not have done so yet.

Don’t forget what we have been communicating already since May 2018:

  • Don’t take things for granted! Just because we are seeing record profits and management struggling to attract and to retain enough pilots, it is not going to be easy to improve the CWA. We will have to fight!
  • Expect tough and long negotiations!
  • Be mentally prepared and stay united!
  • The more effective we are as individuals and as a united group, the better the outcome will be of a sustainable CWA!
  • Support your representatives and negotiation teamespecially when they ask you to do so!
  • Finally, if you are approached by management asking your thoughts on the CWA, just reply “My representatives have my full support to negotiate the listed claims”!

We do want to take this opportunity and thank you for your tremendous support and unity! Please continue with “100% compliance with your CWA” until further notice. 

Fatigue Alerts
The number of fatigue alerts that pilots are receiving have declined. In the FSAG it was agreed that delaying a flight solely based on the fatigue alert from the mathematical model, without input from the crew-member, may actually disrupt the pilots planned sleep pattern. It was therefore decided that the flight would only be delayed for additional rest at the express request of the affected crew-member.

A proposed new message from crew control to the affected pilot has been drafted which will ask that pilots to proactively advise if they wish additional rest after receiving a fatigue alert.

We were recently made aware about cases where pilots received a fatigue alert only a few hours before their wake-up call. This will be addressed at the next FSAG meeting. Please note that in these cases, even at this late stage, you can ask for more rest, should you think it is necessary.

We would like to remind every member that each pilot must understand the potential implications of accepting a flight that the mathematical model has flagged as a potential fatigue concern. Especially considering that the data collected in the flight safety department indicates that the mathematical model used by Cargolux underestimates the fatigue score, predominantly at the higher levels of fatigue.

It remains our position that in case you receive a fatigue alert, we strongly suggest applying a very high and professional standard determining your capability to safely operate any subsequent flight. Please remember that you possibly might face a situation where you have to justify your decisions!

As we have indicated in the past, maintaining a sleep log will assist you in making the professional decision. Also, do not forget to file a proactive Fatigue Report when asking for additional rest.

Please click here for additional guidance on how to write a proactive Fatigue Report. If you need further assistance don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via cvboard@alpl.lu

Social Security Payments – Part Time
Once a year around August, every employee receives a printout sent by mail from the “Centre Commun de la Securite Sociale”(CCSS) where the number of months is shown during which social security contributions have been paid by the individual.

Due to the fact, that we as pilots do not have normal working patterns, it happened that the pension contributions have been calculated and submitted wrongly in cases, where pilots where on “one roster off” permanent part time.

In such cases, the document from the administration shows only 11 months of pension contributions instead of the correct 12. Therefore, if you are on 1 or more rosters off permanent part time, we recommend checking the document which you have received from the CCSS and – if it shows or you think it shows the wrong information – get in contact with the payroll department.

Payroll department is already aware of the problem and they will submit the correct number of working hours to the CCSS, after you have sent the printout to them. You then should receive a new document with the correct amount of social security contributions from the CCSS.

STBY Duty replaced by FDP
There have been cases, where pilots on a STBY duty received a flight, which was scheduled to leave outside the time period of their STBY duty on the same day.

It is our position, that this kind of rostering is not endorsed and that, if the STBY duty is replaced by a FDP, the FDP must start within the original STBY duty period. Otherwise it is not possible to plan the rest in advance, which is a requirement according to the OM-A and the awake time would be too long.

EASA also guards against a combination of STBY and a FDP that would exceed 18 hours of wakefulness.

Please contact us, if you are encountering a situation like this.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Cargolux Peer Support Program (PSP)

Whilst this has been a busy start to 2019 as we engage with many items, we are pleased that the Peer Support Program (PSP) at Cargolux has been implemented ahead of the regulatory requirement of August 2020. As pilot representatives we initiated the process within Cargolux and have been involved from the beginning internally and at many external forums together with European Cockpit Association (ECA).

The PSP is there to support all crew members in case of any issues that may be perceived as stressful either from flight operations or personal issues.

One key element is that this program is independent of Cargolux operations where the support is activated solely by you through Stiftung Mayday. This ensure confidentiality when you require support, it is only one phone call away where you will be directed to a Peer either from one of six (6) Cargolux trained peers or someone independent from Cargolux altogether.

Over the past 12 months there has been regular communications outlining what PSP is and how it there to support you. In order to facilitate a better understanding a new folder in the Content Locker on our iPads has been opened (folder 23. Pilot Peer Support) with all relevant documents including FAQ’s that may assist you on how PSP works.

Please take the time to review this information and if you have any questions please contact safety@alpl.lu or Gunnar Steinhardt

If you require peer support, please call the Stiftung Mayday hotline so that your call is handled in a timely manner even if you wish to discuss with one of our internal Peers.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Result Delegation Election

The initial result of the election has confirmed that pilots will hold 8 out of 16 seats in the Delegation.

The results communicated by the electoral office are as follows:

LCGB   46,8%   8 seats
OGB-L   40,7%   6 seats
SEA   12,5%   2 seats

Your elected representatives are (8 effective Delegates and 8 substitute Delegates):

We would like to take the opportunity and thank all of you for casting your votes! It is encouraging for us to see how many of you went the extra mile to make sure that your ballot will be returned in time to be counted. The interest you showed and the support you gave us during the past weeks is certainly encouraging for us as your representatives. But most important is, that this result demonstrates once more, what we as a group can achieve when standing together.

The ALPL Board would like to take this opportunity and thank those colleagues who stepped forward and made themselves available as candidates.

The results of the election are not final yet, as the they can be contested until April 1st, 2019. We will keep you advised about any future developments and will publish more information in the coming weeks.

Your voice will be heard!