Dirk Becker No Comments

Result of the CWA Ratification Process

The results of the ratification process of the last CWA proposal are now confirmed.

96% of our members voted with 64% accepting the package. Based on this result, the LCGB together with the OGBL will now proceed and sign both CWAs. One covering the period from 1stDecember 2018 until 31stDecember 2019 and a second one for the period from 1stJanuary 2020 until 31stDecember 2022.

All the monetary adjustments will come into effect as from 1stAugust 2019 onwards. As of 1stJanuary 2020, the remaining elements except the flight time limitations will be effective. To give the company enough time to hire the required number of pilots, these new provisions will be implemented latest by 1stJuly 2020.

The improvements in the new CWA would not have been possible without the great support and unity of our members. A unity that should be maintained in the future to ensure a strong pilot representation in Cargolux.

Some of our members feel that the new CWA package is not as good as it should be, but please bear in mind that it contains improvements and adjustments in all priority areas where a vast majority of our members have asked for and we will ensure that the new CWA is implemented in day to day business as intended.

Although the majority accepted the CWA package, we also received feedback from those who rejected it. It clearly reflects the mistrust in management that origins in the events of the last negotiations in 2015 and how the pilot community was treated since then. The proper application of the CWA in our daily operation will hopefully regain some of the lost trust and enable a productive cooperation.

artur.kurkowiak No Comments

Live Screencast – 30 July 2019

The LIVE Screencast is now over, You can watch the recorded version below.

Forward to minute 0:01:27 to begin watching.


To view in high quality, tap/click on the settings in the video below and select the streaming quality your current internet connection allows. (close also any unnecessary bandwidth consumers like other browser windows, dropbox, or any ongoing updates)

artur.kurkowiak No Comments

Live Screencast – 29 July 2019

The LIVE Screencast is now over, You can watch the recorded version below.

Forward to 00:59 to begin watching.

Quick reminder, the next LIVE Screencast starts tomorrow (Tuesday) at 08:00 UTC  ( 10:00 Luxembourg local time)


Dirk Becker No Comments

ALPL Debrief 8/2019 – CWA Negotiations

In this edition of “Debrief”  we will provide an overview of the adjusted CWA package that includes significant improvements that management were willing to agree upon after they were informed of the result of the recent ratification process and that the letter to the ONC was sent by the LCGB.

It is now time for every member to decide for themselves if this adjusted package is acceptable or not. In order to allow you to form an opinion before you will be asked to either “accept” or “reject” the offer, we urge you to watch this edition of “Debrief”.

Please click on the links below to download:

We recommend that you have this presentation available when watching the video.

Before the new ratification process commences, two webcasts will be scheduled on Monday, 29thJuly and Tuesday, 30thJuly, to allow members seek clarification and to better understand what is proposed. The exact times and links will be communicated soon.

More information regarding the new electronic ratification (vote) will be provided in a separate email in due time.

In case you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your ALPL Board at cvboard@alpl.lu.

Dirk Becker No Comments

CWA Negotiations Update 25 July 2019

Your exceptional participation and clear rejection vote has had a tremendous impact!

Within hours following the results being revealed to management several wheels started turning. Which resulted in an urgent meeting being requested by the CEO. Since yesterday significant improvements have been offered. We are in the process of preparing a revised proposal for your review in the next days.

A new ratification vote is being organized very shortly.

Dirk Becker No Comments

CWA Negotiations – Result of the CWA Ratification Process

The results are now confirmed, and the majority has spoken – the proposal from management has been decisively REJECTED by a majority of our members!

99,3% of all our members voted with 92% rejecting management’s ‘final’ proposal. That is a clear signal that the vast majority of our members is willing to go for industrial action, which does not leave any doubts.

When these results are even combined with all LCGB members (including ground staff) the union’s statutory requirements are still surpassed. 95% of all eligible LCGB members voted and 83% of the LCGB members have rejected the proposal.

Today the LCGB union secretary has sent a letter to the national conciliation office (ONC) requesting non-conciliation and Cargolux management has been informed of the ratification results.

Your negotiation team tried to convince management in the last meeting on July 11th, that their proposal might not pass without certain improvements, but they simply responded that they would “take that risk”. Now it is on their shoulders to assume the load from here.

According to your valued input, the main reasons given for rejecting managements proposal were precisely what the negotiation team forewarned on and they center on five main points:

Cargolux Italia
Unacceptable not to have the cap at 4 aircraft

‘B-scale’ adjustments
No horizontal move when upgraded to Captain and only one TU reduction

Flight Time Limitations
‘How to augment’ – clear rules to avoid excessive numbers of multiple sector FDPs with augmented crews.

Off- Day scheme
No real improvement and possible 11 rather than 12 days off per month and a clear desire for more immovable blocks.

Must be planned as part of a rotation and a rotation should never be changed to include a back-to-back after departing home base.

We can congratulate everyone for an unprecedented participation where we even have 69 new members join the ALPL since beginning of July so their vote could count. We also would like to thank everyone for their patience during the voting process.

We will keep you informed of any developments.

Dirk Becker No Comments

CWA Negotiations – Ratification Process

Yesterday we published management’s ‘final’ proposal which is the result of an extensive negotiation process where the LCGB negotiation team did its upmost to deliver on the claims ALPL members were demanding. As management refuses to move from their current position, it is now time for every member to decide for themselves if this package is acceptable or not.

Should the proposal be found acceptable by our members, then work will begin preparing the actual CWA text for signing. If the proposal is rejected, the Union will request non-conciliation from the ONC and industrial action will be organized.

Please be aware that a ‘reject’ vote is simultaneously a vote for strike. To move down this path, LCGB statutes require that at least 90% of the members participate in voting and 75% must indicate that they reject the proposal. For the pilots, all ALPL members are automatically part of the LCGB and only ALPL members can vote.

You will receive an invitation to the online vote (done via SurveyMonkey) by a separate email shortly.

If your choice in this vote is to reject the package you will be asked to indicate which two points you find unacceptable before submitting your vote. This will give the Union some indication which parts must improve should the pressure of an imminent strike compel management to amend their offer. You must know that at this stage any desired improvements to the package would only be possible through industrial action!

As the ALPL Board, we do not recommend how to vote either way but do feel it is important to point out in neutral fashion the pros and cons to management’s ‘final’  proposal. Please click here to read about these pros and cons.

If you have any questions please send us an email at cvboard@alpl.lu or check the members‘ forum  on the ALPL website, where you will find answers to questions raised by our members.

Dirk Becker No Comments

ALPL Debrief 7/2019 – CWA Ratification by Members

In this important edition of “Debrief” we will provide an overview of management’s ‘final’ offer after an extensive negotiation process where the LCGB negotiation team did its upmost to deliver on the claims ALPL members were demanding. Please note, that this is a long “Debrief” due to the complexity and importance of this matter.

As management refuses to move from their current position, it is now time for every member to decide for themselves if this package is acceptable or not. In order to allow you to form an opinion before you will be asked to either “accept” or “reject” management’s ‘final’ offer we urge you to watch this edition of “Debrief”.

A presentation summarising management’s ‘final’ offer can be downloaded here. We recommend that you have this presentation available when watching the video.

More information regarding the electronic ratification (vote) will be provided very soon in a separate email.

In case you have any questions please do not hesitate to place your questions preferably in the members’ forum or contact your ALPL Board at cvboard@alpl.lu.

Dirk Becker No Comments

CWA Negotiations Update 11 July 2019

We would like to provide you with a very brief update following a CWA meeting today with management and to clarify the next steps. Management will not make any further moves from their current position believing their proposed package is generous enough.

This means the ALPL Board will present to its members in the next days details of this package and the factual pros and cons to what management is offering. Each member must then decide to accept or reject the offer.

It is important to be clear even now what your vote will trigger: an ‘accept’ is self-explanatory, a ‘reject’ vote means that the LCGB will request non-conciliation from the ONC and organize industrial action. If a strike should occur, the negotiation team will remain prepared to meet with management until an acceptable package is ratified.

Dirk Becker No Comments

CWA Negotiations Update 4 July 2019

On 4th July 2019 the Unions met with management at the ONC for further last-minute negotiations. Positions were clarified and there will be another meeting next week.

We are hopeful that a package will be presented to all our members for their consideration in the near future.