Please find below an update regarding:
- Vacation Bidding 2020
- Security
- Vacation Pay (CWA 12.1.5)
- Part-Time Schemes
- 2nd Ratification Process
Vacation Bidding 2020
On 21 August 2019 Crew Planning Department released the documentation for the 2020 “Two Step Vacation Bidding System”. The documentation was produced in participation with the delegation and contains in principle the same key data as in the last years, except some changes, which we would like to highlight to you:
- Due to the transition to a new Off-Day scheme in our new CWA, the Off-Day identifiers had to be changed in order to be in line with the CWA.
- In the “Combining Vacation with Off Days”paragraph, the addition “…where required” was added, in order to enable the pilots with the possibility to limit the “combining vacation with off days” requests more to their individual needs.
- Due to the delayed closing of the CWA negotiations, the deadlines for the 2020 vacation bidding system were shifted by 15 days. The first-round bidding deadline will be on 15th September 2019.
The “Two Step Vacation Bidding System” improved the vacation distribution amongst the pilot community in the last couple of years. In order to maintain the status of a fair and transparent system, the process and conditions has to be understood and properly applied. If there are any questions regarding the documentation, bidding and allocation of vacation days, please do not hesitate to contact for further guidance.
There are two items regarding security we would like to bring to your attention:
First, some of our destinations are in countries with certain risks and all are assessed by the Cargolux Corporate Security Department which determines the suitability of layovers. These risks are further mitigated that crew transport is arranged. The hotels are checked also by the Security Department and members of the ALPL Hotel Committee to ensure all possible security measures are in place.
Those higher risk destinations are well known to all of us and thankfully not many incidents occur. Unfortunately, we do have incidents of crews being assaulted and we would like to make you aware to be on alert at these known destinations. You should always remain vigilant in public places, tourist areas and major cities elsewhere.
Cargolux’s Corporate Security has a dedicated Intranet page that has up to date information and please also refer to the monthly station and alternate stations threat assessment list. Furthermore, there is an International SOS Application that can be downloaded on your Phones or iPad that is continuously updated. Please follow the instructions (with the applicable password) on the Intranet to install it and obtain access.
Secondly, speaking of access, the requirements by all National Security Authorities to have updated security access is becoming more complex. More in-depth background checks are required, and this takes time. Please ensure you submit the requested documents for Airport ID application or renewal to the Corporate Security Department as soon as possible. Usually this will have to be done 6 months before the expiration date. If you do not provide the requested documents your colleagues at Security will have findings from the authorities.
Vacation Pay (CWA 12.1.5)
One of our members, who recently was on parental leave, noticed that the vacation-supplement actually paid out was rather low compared to previous payments. He took up the issue with payroll for further investigation and found out that an actual error in SAP had led to a calculation-mistake. In the meanwhile, the formula used has been corrected and will undergo further testing. Upon conclusion of this testing-phase the Company will approach all employees affected and retroactively reimburse the outstanding payments. We recommend to check whether your payments were correct in case you have also been on parental leave.
Thanks again to our colleague and member who discovered the issue and kept us in the loop.
Part-Time Schemes
As announced previously and in order to align existing contracts with the new monthly roster-scheme, management has sent out new offers for those colleagues who are presently on a part-time contract. We advise those of you who received this offer not to sign anything until we had a chance to check if payroll´s calculations are correct. As soon as we have all the details, we will come back with recommendations on how to proceed.
2nd Ratification Process
From 30 July 2019 until 2 August 2019 the second ratification process for the amended CWA package took place. 96% of our members voted and 64% accepted the package. The feedback that we received from those 36% rejectingthe offer can be summarized as follows:

These comments clearly imply a high level of mistrust towards management regarding the implementation of the CWA, in particular concerning the topics mentioned above. We will stay vigilant that the new CWA is implemented as intended and are confident that a correct application of the CWA will regain some of the trust lost and enable a productive cooperation within the company.