Dirk Becker No Comments

Members Update – May 2020

Please find below an update concerning:

  • Practical Drift from the CWA
  • Flying into VAC
  • Fatigue Management during COVID-19

Practical Drift from the CWA
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic we all are facing unprecedented times. Numerous roster changes, heavy restrictions during layovers and additional flight deck procedures are burdens of this pandemic.

At the same time many colleagues show their dedication and willingness to support the company by offering their flexibility and going beyond the scope of the CWA to make things happen. Although it appears to be justified during these times, it bears the risk of a systematic practical drift from the CWA.

You might already have seen roster changes that are not according to the CWA, simply because the continuous commitment and flexibility shown by the pilot community raised certain expectations from the company´s side.

We therefore urge you to be familiar with your CWA, know your rights and obligations and to make a conscious decision when deviating from it. Don’t forget how hard it was to achieve the improvements in the new CWA. This effort makes it even more precious. 

Flying into VAC
In the last negotiations the main objective concerning vacation was to protect vacation days and to make sure that pilots are scheduled to be free of any duty at least 12 hours before the first vacation day. The new CWA includes various levels of compensation a pilot is entitled to, should he/she arrive late on the day before the first vacation day. So far, so good.

However, we have been made aware of cases where pilots arrived on their first vacation day and the current interpretation by the company could result in a disadvantaged compensation compared to a late arrival on the day before the first vacation day.

We therefore strongly recommend refraining from accepting any extension of a rotation into your vacation period until we have clarified the issue.

Please remember that the company cannot plan a pilot – neither before nor during the trip – into his/her vacation period without expressed consent. 

Fatigue Management due to COVID-19
In the regular meetings with Senior Management we have highlighted numerous times that managing fatigue in advance for crews must be planned. We have extensive data on what doesn’t work and have brought up certain FDP combinations that needed addressing.

    This FDP has had several flights where crews used Commanders Discretion to avoid layovers in CGO. We welcome the recent change where the flight operates KUL-BKK for a crew change before continuing BKK-CGO-ANC.
    Another FDP that is at the FDP limit and again there have been extensions used due to delayed loading in CGO. We requested that these flights have the priority for loading to ensure crews are able to complete the flights inside the maximum FDP of 17 hrs.
  • Brazil
    With the COVID-19 cases increasing daily, all layovers in VCP will be shifted to CWB and flights will be routed accordingly. This will result in long, double sector FDPs. In discussions with Management, it was highlighted that these long FDPs are most likely fatiguing when departing late in the evening and with only 3 pilots. We highlighted the necessity to operate these flights with a double crew when departing in the evenings.

As always, we ask that you complete a Fatigue Report after a fatigue event or if necessary, proactively via the “Reporting” App on the Company iPad. Guidelines for filing a Fatigue Report can be found here.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Urgent – Hotel Situation in OVB

Following up on the recent information published by the Hotel Committee concerning the hotel situation in OVB, we would like to emphasize the following.

As mentioned already in our April 2020 Members Update, management has received reports of crews not respecting the social distancing and other COVID-19 protective measures whilst on layovers. Due to the large number of crews staying in the Marriott in OVB, this hotel certainly is a potential hotspot in this respect.

The hotel management has opened up now the 2nd floor for food services in addition to the 10th floor with chairs and tables adequately separated, so that the social distancing can be better assured. Also, room service is provided for pilots who wish to eat in their rooms.

While a large group of colleagues are applying the published protective measures and social distancing, there is unfortunately still a certain number of pilots, who take these procedures too lightly.

We strongly urge you to follow the COVID-19 protective measures in place to avoid unpleasant steps to be taken by our management, which would include the use of a second hotel in OVB in order to split up the crews to reduce the risk for infections.

For the time, we have been able to keep management from executing an unwanted hotel change, but we cannot guarantee anything if reports from pilots deviating from the procedures continue!

If you see anything that you are not happy with, please use discretion and politeness when approaching other colleagues and similarly be thoughtful if someone approaches you.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Dirk Becker No Comments

Hotel Committee Update – 15 May 2020

The Hotel Committee will now have its own dedicated newsletter on the current situation of our hotels.

At Cargolux it has been calculated that we spend up to 75 days (calculated in hours) away from our family and friends per year that a “normal 9 to 5” employee has. Moreover, as has been communicated by the ALPL Board, the quality of hotels must meet the requirements so that we as pilots are able to obtain the best possible rest to conduct our duties safely and that appropriate nutrition is readily available. Therefore, the standards (link) of our hotels must be maintained.

The recent situation in ORD at the Courtyard Wood Dale, is an example, where neither we as Hotel Committee nor any ALPL Board Member or Delegate were involved in making the decision  which failed miserably. Senior Management informed us at 16.00h on Tuesday 05 May 2020 that due to the COVID risk in the Cook County we were to move from Chicago downtown. We asked to hold off until we could find a suitable alternative. At 21.40h on the same evening the Chief Pilot was asked by Senior Management to send the information that we were moving.

The information that Senior Management provided to the CPO was also inconsistent stating that it was in a residential area and had a mini mart. The fact was that the hotel is located in an industrial area, the mini mart is nothing more than a shelf of crisps, chocolate bars and sodas, nothing close to nutrition and there are no nearby places to obtain any food. The noise from departing aircraft from O’Hare and other factors forced a crew to delay the flight due to not being able to obtain adequate sleep before the wakeup call. Nearly every crew that has had a layover there has written a Voyage Report.

We are pleased to announce that once we took the lead in obtaining a suitable accommodation we will move to the Marriott Naperville (link). We would like to thank a crew who visited the hotel and with our guidance checked all the standards required. Certainly, in these times some items will not be up and running but we have provided a copy of nearby walking distance restaurants (link) of what is available with regard to nutrition.

This destination has become a hub as Cargolux is shuttling back and forth from Mainland China. There have been reports that social distancing is not being respected. We approached the manager at the hotel, who is grateful to have us there as only cargo crews are keeping it open, to further create a space to enable more social distancing on the 10th Floor. We believe that this will help, and we ask that you please respect each other.

The manger has had to furlough some of his staff and the remaining have had to take a salary cut. We have created a ‘tip’ box. If you can find a way to support these staff who provide us with all services to make our stay safe, it is for sure appreciated.

The lockdown continues due to the local health authorities’ requirements. After Senior Management was informed by us that this could potentially have problems with crew being confined in rooms for long periods of time, they agreed to book suites. Unfortunately, we recently found out via your reports that the suites are only available for stays of three (3) nights or longer. We ask what is the difference between 2 nights or 3 nights? We also pointed out that the breakfast allowance also does not adequately meet a minimum nutritional level. We suggested to allocate suites for a duration of 2 nights and longer and we stipulated the allowance (currently SIN $20) to be cumulative. Managements answer is still pending.

Armchair decision making has clearly demonstrated that hotel standards are not provided for. It is vitally important that the standards of hotels are maintained. This can only be achieved with your assistance/support together with the Hotel Committee to select and maintain the most suitable hotel without costs being the determining factor.

Voyage Reports are important, without them, Senior Management will only advise us that there is no problem! Remember to forward your reports to the Hotel Committee.

Please view the document (link) that we have prepared to give you updates on all our current destinations. If there are any omissions or errors, please email them to cvhotels@alpl.lu

Dirk Becker No Comments

Members Update – April 2020

Please find below an update in regard to:

  • Hotels
  • Crew layovers in China
  • Flight Duty Periods exceeding limits and Fatigue Mitigation
  • Social Distancing during Layover

Since the beginning the of the COVID-19 pandemic more and more restrictions were put in place by various countries which led to a significant decrease of the quality of layovers and hotel standards at many destinations. The Hotel Committee was and is working hard to find solutions to improve the situation in the current crisis. An updated version of the Hotel COVID-19 situation can be found here.

As communicated in our previous update on hotels please submit a Voyage Report through the iQSMS application and forward the report to cvhotels@alpl.lu so that we are aware of the current situation of hotels, especially of those which were not selected by the Hotel Committee.

We specifically urged management to follow the Hotel Policy and to coordinate with the Hotel Committee in advance at critical destinations to find suitable alternatives and provides clear indication on what deficiencies have evolved at the current hotels. Respective letters were published for your reference in our members update on 8 April 2020. To read the latest reply from the CFO, please click here.

We would like to remind you to always carefully assess your fitness to operate and any requirement for additional rest. In case extra rest is required, please file a Fatigue Report.

Crew layovers in China
With the shift of the COVID-19 hotspots to Europe and the USA we briefly discussed with management the options of having again crew layovers in China to free up manpower that would be needed in other areas. However, this was before we received reports of newly implemented procedures and questionable testing of crews by the Chinese authorities. After having read these reports we came quickly to the conclusion that we cannot agree to reinstate crew layovers at any destination in China. Please click here to read the letter including the reports that was sent to the CEO, Accountable Manager, EVP Flight Operations and Head to OHS&E.

Flight Duty Periods (FDP) exceeding limits and Fatigue Mitigation
At the very beginning of this crisis we wrote to the CPO and verbally restated to Senior Management that whilst we operate flights to avoid the hotspots of the COVID-19 we expected that fatigue is managed in advance. Over the past 4 years we have collected data that revealed the problematic rotations of FDPs combined with minimum rests.

We do have regular meetings with Senior Management to provide feedback on many issues. We were informed that pilots were deadheaded out of CGO due to a delay in departure where their FDP would be exceeded and, on another case, where an AOG occurred. We welcome this proactive approach to avoid having pilots being stranded in CGO or required to exceed the planned FDPs.

You may have also noticed during the COVID-19 crisis that some rotations have created additional rest periods more than what was experienced in the past, when we had large amounts for fatigue reports and associated fatigue scores when conducting two sector augmented crew operations. Nevertheless, this is not the case at all our destinations where augmented flights are departing from.

Recently we have seen three areas where we wish that Senior Management rectify the situation to manage fatigue in advance of all our duties. Please click here to read the letter that was sent to the CEO. We also ask you to please pay close attention to the requirement that Crew Control needs to follow, as per the Safety Department´s “Q4/2019 Boxed Items”, which is to notify crews sufficiently in advance of any fatigue warnings.


  • Please be mindful of the requirement that ALL fellow crew members need to be adequately rested prior to the commencement of any FDPs that are potentially fatiguing.
  • Inflight rest is not the same as rest in accommodation where temperature, noise and light can be managed.
  • If additional rest is required before the commencement of an FDP or after an FDP please communicate and coordinate in a timely manner with your fellow crew members, local station, crew control and always submit an Air Safety (Fatigue) Report (ASR).
  • Air Safety (Fatigue) Report (ASR) must always be submitted when fatigue has been experienced on any duties.

As always, if you need further guidance please contact cvboard@alpl.lu

Social Distancing during Layovers
In the recent email from EVP Flight Operations a plea was made that all pilots please be mindful of maintaining adequate social distancing during layovers.

We would also like to ask each member to handle the present situation with great care and social responsibility. It is very important to recognize that everybody must contribute with their actions to not only protect their own health but also the one from the colleagues and the one from all affected family members at home. Please treat each other with respect, be extra patient during these times and maintain social distancing when having meals together during layovers.

If you see anything that you are not happy with, please use discretion and politeness when approaching other colleagues and similarly be thoughtful if someone approaches you.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Cargolux Board of Directors Election

On 22 April 2020 the Employee Delegation will be called to elect the Staff Representatives on the Cargolux Board of Directors. As in the last two elections, the Delegates agreed to present a common LCGB-OGBL list for the 5 positions to be filled. In agreement with our colleagues from LCGB ground staff, 2 of the 3 positions the LCGB is entitled to on the common list, will be nominated by the ALPL Divisional Board.

After careful consideration the Divisional Board decided to nominate Darrell Myers and Dirk Becker.

Both, Darrell and Dirk, accumulated a lot of experience during their work as Pilot Representatives for a considerable period of time. Darrell served for many years as a Representative on the Committee Mixte until the committee’s function was taken over by the Employee Delegation in 2019. In 2018 he also became a Staff Representative on the Board of Directors.

Dirk became a Staff Representative on the Board of Directors after the Delegation election in 2019. He has been representing the Cargolux staff as a Delegate since 2011, serving as the Delegation’s Vice President since last year. Amongst serving in these various official functions, both have been active in various positions of our association.

The Divisional Board firmly believes that based on their knowledge and many years of experience as Representatives, both are the right choice to represent your interests on the Cargolux Board of Directors.

The Divisional Board would like to thank George Karambilas, who decided not to stand for re-election. George served on the Board of Directors as Staff Representative for nearly 11 years. He became first elected in 2009, the first time in the company’s history the Staff Representatives had to be elected. Over these many years George’s knowledge and dedication proved to be a valuable asset in representing the interests of the staff on the Board of Directors.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Members Update – COVID-19 – Sick leave covered by the CNS

The HR Update published on 10 April 2020 resulted in an understandable confusion amongst our members regarding the topic “Sick leave covered by CNS“.

We recently asked for confirmation from HR about this topic.

The Director Human Resources confirmed, that in case of sick leave the Company would pay as of the 1st day of sick leave until the 77th day the difference between the Plafond (5-times the social minimum wage) and the employee’s complete salary plus other elements of the remuneration.

During this time period the amount up to the Plafond would be paid directly by the CNS and the missing amount between the Plafond and the “normal” salary of the employee by the company.

Also, an average calculated supplement is payed, which is based on the number of hours worked on public holidays, on Sundays or at night during the 12 months prior to the sickness period. Overtime work is not considered in this case.

Only as of the 1st day of the month following the month in which the 77th day of sick leave falls into, the employee would then receive the amount as foreseen by the law from the CNS, as it has always been the case before.

Please note, that this is an interim procedure implemented by the Règlement grand-ducal dated 03 April 2020.

If you notice anything that is not in line with what has been mentioned above, please contact cvboard@alpl.lu.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Members Update – COVID-19 Hotels

An updated version of the COVID-19 Hotel situation is available following this link. We would like to thank our members for providing feedback that will assist all.

As communicated in our previous update on hotels please submit a Voyage Report through the iQSMS application and forward the report to cvhotels@alpl.lu so that we are aware of the current situation of hotels, especially of those we have not been able to select.

Situation in SIN, BKK and KUL
The latest situation is that authorities in SIN, BKK and KUL have applied the same hotel restrictions to crew members.

We have now approached IFALPA to bring this to the attention of ICAO so that this can be addressed to these particular countries and others. We and IFALPA also believe that such restriction has a potential safety issue and wish that the authorities take this into account.

We believe that there are equivalent ways to mitigate the risk of spreading the virus without having to be locked up for several days. We are in constant dialogue with Senior Management to also find ways to reduce the undue burden of such a strict enforcement by the local authorities.

Please contact your Board at cvboard@alpl.lu in case you have questions or concerns regarding the situation in SIN, BKK and KUL.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Members Update – COVID-19 Testing

In the Members Update published on 08 April 2020 we informed you about the steps undertaken to make voluntary COVID-19 testing available to Cargolux pilots.

On 09 April 2020 the LCGB raised the issue on the political level in two letters; one addressed at the Minister of Health and the other at the Minister in charge of transport:
Letter Minister of Health
Letter Minister of Mobility and Public Works

Already on 05 April 2020 your concerns were addressed in a letter to the CEO, requesting „… that Senior Management is in touch with the Luxembourg Government to enable pilots to access established mobile COVID-19 facilities for testing.“ Click here to view this letter. The CEO replied to this letter on 06 April 2020: “I will try to raise it with the Health authorities but cannot guarantee any positive outcome”. Click here to view his letter. Until today we did not receive any feedback from management, if the request to make COVID-19 testing available to  crew members has been raised with the health authorities.

No feedback has been received so far on the letters sent by the LCGB to the ministries. We will keep you informed about any developments.

Here is some general information regarding COVID-19 testing:
Luxembourg’s health authorities advise, that a COVID-19 test is of no use in the absence of symptoms and that a personal physician is in the best position to assess the value of the test in individual cases. More information can be found here.

Scientists highlight, that like any other comparable test, a COVID-19 test is just a snapshot. The result reflects only the situation at the time the swap test was conducted (blood tests offered on the internet are not yet approved, as their validity has not yet been scientifically proven) and there is a chance of false results, e.g. due to a very low number of viruses detectable. All this may give the false impression of being negative, while an infection may be in a very early stage. Additionally, it may take up to 48 hours to receive a test result.