Dirk Becker No Comments

Cancellation of Staff Travel Agreement by Luxair

As much as anyone else, we were surprised to learn that Luxair decided to cancel the Staff Travel Agreement for Cargolux staff without any prior notice or indication that this may happen. This agreement was effectively the only staff rate agreement which many of our members relied on to commute to/from Luxembourg and we as your Board are very well aware about the consequences of this cancellation.

Immediately after we received the email from Corporate Communication, we did get in touch with the CEO. He advised us that Luxair did not provide Cargolux management with any prior notification about the cancellation nor did he receive a courtesy call before. 

In this telephone conversation we also made it clear again, that this cancellation has huge consequences for many Cargolux pilots who rely on the agreement. The CEO assured that he is aware about this fact and explained that he will investigate about the reasons why Luxair cancelled this contract.

Unfortunately, for the time being this is all we as your Board can do. As your representatives we will do whatever we can to get this agreement reinstated. However, please note that this will for the most part be at the discretion of Luxair.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Members Update – July 2020

Please find below an update in regard to:

  • Pilot Representatives – Management Meetings
  • New CWA FTL Provisions

Pilot Representatives – Management Meetings
With this members update we would like to inform you and explain how we as Pilot Representatives see and saw the collaboration between Cargolux management and us during the current COVID-19 crisis.

There are regular meetings taking place between the Pilot Representatives and Senior Management. The priority aim of these meetings, which happened until now at least once per week, is to communicate – according to the feedback from the members – and mitigate the risks for the flight crews/staff related to COVID-19. 

There are, however, secondary impacts of the crisis that impair our daily work life as pilots like freedom of movement at certain stations, nutrition and comfort at destinations, where we take our rest. These items are partially defined and taken care of in the provisions of our CWA, but unfortunately we have been faced with a number of violations of our CWA defined standards and internal policies, which almost all being related to the hotels we take our rest in.

While we as Pilot Representatives also RESPONSIBLY offer solutions to mitigate these secondary effects, we unfortunately perceive Senior Management to be overly hesitating, apparently because of cost reasons. We managed to convince management of certain measures to improve both safety and comfort, like allocation of suites during layovers in SIN and BKK for example, but the efforts necessary to convince our social partner remain unnecessarily high.

To summarize, we find Senior Management approachable in terms of health and security measures, but too reluctant when it comes to making sure that the provisions of the CWA and internal policies are respected in light of the crisis.

Unilateral decisions, particularly when short notice changing the hotels in COVID-19 or unrest hotspots, e.g. in HKG or the US, ignoring the respective policies and standards, not consulting the hotel committee turned out to be detrimental to our organization causing delays and therefore having a negative financial impact.

Despite those aggravating facts and after several discussions, the Board decided to continue the constructive approach dealing with management. Please rest assured that this does not mean that the difficult conditions down route are simply accepted from our side or your feedback is ignored. 

We encourage management to be cooperative not falling for the trap of trying to perform cost cutting over a pilot community that voluntarily goes the extra mile. Strangling that momentum by turning a blind eye on our rights is something that the ALPL Board does not approve and cannot ignore.

New CWA FTL Provisions
As of 01July 2020 new CWA provisions covering flight time limitations for Standard and Augmented Crew operation came into effect. With the aforementioned management attitude to disrespect our rights on occasions, we might be faced with attempted non compliances in regard to these new FTL rules.

We have started to send out updated versions of the „Know your CWA“ series. This is done in order to support you to familiarize yourself with the new FTLs and to allow you to enforce the correct applications of the new rules.

As it was very hard to achieve the new FTLs to mitigate adverse effects of fatigue we would like to ask you to familiarize yourself with the changes and to politely but firmly insist in the application of those rules. Remember, it will depend on us as individuals being part of the Cargolux pilot community to ensure, that these new rules are followed.

Notwithstanding of the above, we would like to emphasize that neither EASA nor the CWA alone can completely avoid fatigue. Therefore we URGE EVERY pilot to file a fatigue report if fatigue was a factor on any FDP. This is the only tool to get real time fatigue data in combination with planned FDPs and to identify new hotspots!

If you have any questions regarding the new FTLs please don’t hesitate to contact your ALPL Board via mail at cvboard@alpl.lu for clarification.

As we also experienced that your voyage reports make a difference we would also like to further encourage you to thoroughly assess your ability to perform a flight duty when faced with unacceptable standards during your rest period, file the respective reports on those deficiencies and send a copy of the report to cvhotels@alpl.lu

Fly safe, stay healthy.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Members Update – COVID 19

With increasing COVID-19 cases in many countries, it has become obvious that we will be confronted with this pandemic for an undetermined time and that it is far from over. The hotspots keep on changing and the dynamics are experienced by all of us through e.g. frequent roster changes and restrictions while having a layover. 
Commercial Positioning
It has been communicated by management in early June that commercial positioning between selected airports and on selected airlines will resume. However, given the general situation in the US and a pilot report that we recently received, the Delegation sent a letter to Senior Management with the request to immediately stop commercial positioning within the US. Please click here to read the letter.
Application of the CWA
We would like to remind you of the new FTL in the CWA that are applicable as of 1 July 2020. Please familiarize yourself with the respective paragraphs. Information can also be found by reading our “Know your CWA 2020” series that was sent to you via email and is also available on our ALPL website under Publications/Cargolux Board/Know Your CWA.  
Having said this we would like to reiterate, that there is no agreement between the Unions and the company for a derogation of elements within the CWA because of COVID-19. We have been informed by individual members that e.g. crew control mentioned towards them that the rules in the CWA governing “back to back” operation are waived. This is not the case and it is still up to the individual pilot to accept any deviation from the CWA. Should you be faced with such a statement by crew control, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via cvboard@alpl.lu for clarification.
Sectional Tripartite
The government has asked for a meeting between the Unions, Luxair, Cargolux, Luxairport and government representatives, also referred to as “Tripartite pour le secteur de l ´aviation”, in July. At this point it is unclear what the government’s agenda items are but considering the general economic situation of the global aviation industry we realize that we are not immune against those challenges and that our fortunate situation could be jeopardized. We will keep you informed. 
Stay safe and healthy!

Dirk Becker No Comments

Members Update – June 2020

Please find below an update regarding:

  • New FTL as of 1 July 2020
  • COVID-19 Update – Changes at Destinations
  • Demonstrations
  • Human Factors

New FTL as of 1 July 2020
As of 1 July 2020, the new flight time limitations for Standard and Augmented Crew Operation of the CWA 2020-2022 will become effective. This marks a big change in our daily operation and is the last main claim of the CWA negotiations that is going to be implemented. 
Remember, during the CWA negotiations we all – you, your fellow members and we as your Board – put in a lot of effort to achieve these changes in the CWA with the aim to reduce fatigue levels and increase flight safety. As of 1 July, it will depend on us as individuals being part of the Cargolux pilot community to ensure, that these new rules are followed. This requires that we all have a good understanding of them. 
Please familiarize yourself with the new tables and read the emails of our “Know your CWA 2020” series, which can also be found on the website under Publications/Cargolux Board/Know Your CWA.
Please bear in mind that we can negotiate conditions for our members but safeguarding their implementation first and foremost is the obligation of each individual pilot. Therefore, we urge you to be vigilant and remember, if you need assistance, the Board is there to help you. 
COVID-19 Update – Changes at Destinations
At various destinations where infection rates are dropping there will be a return to ‘normal’ operations and hotels.
Below is the list of these initial changes:
ATL: Layovers will commence shortly 
GDL: Mexico City is still above the trigger point on infections. Layovers may commence into GDL initially and then move back to MEX. This will cease staging flights from IAH
ORD: Layovers will move back to downtown
BAH: Layovers will resume
JFK: Layovers move back to NY and initially to the Garden City Hotel on Long Island. The COVID cases in downtown Manhattan are close to the trigger point and once the situation further improves, we will be moving back.
In mainland China, the authorities will require COVID testing for layovers and will impose that crews stay at their nominated hotels. Our position remains that in the current situation, no layovers in mainland China are to be scheduled. We expect BKK to ease their lockdown in early July and SIN continues and will maintain their lockdown most likely at least until September.
The trans-pacific flights operating through CGO have been prioritized during turnarounds to ensure they are able to be completed within the planned FDP. Without you filing ASR’s and informing us, this process would not have been on the radar of Senior Management. This shows once more that your efforts pay off! 
In the US, many cities we operate to have imposed curfews to reduce the violence. Please be vigilant in SEA, LAX, DFW, ATL and ORD. It appears to be abating and demonstrations appear to be more peaceful. At LCK and SEA the layovers were temporarily moved away from the hotspots.
In HKG the airport hotel will continue to be used. As indicated in previous updates the recommended hotel was not chosen and your feedback is required if any deficiencies or disturbances occur during your rest. It is expected to move back to the Shangri La in Kowloon as soon as possible.
Human Factors
We would like to remind our members to support the Human Factors department in the Cargolux Flight Crew Job Analysis, if possible. The original email was sent before the COVID-19 crisis on 29 January. A reminder was sent recently on 4 June 2020.
The Human Factors Department is conducting this validation study on Cargolux’s pilot selection procedures in compliance with EASA regulation ED Decision 2018/012/R AMC1 CAT.MPA.175(b). The information you provide remains anonymous if you wish so.
If you would like to assist, please search your emails with the title ‘Invitation to Participate in Cargolux Flight Crew Job Analysis’.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Hotel Committee Update – June 2020

With this newsletter, we would like to give you a little overview of the Voyage Reports on Hotel deficiencies you sent us over the year 2019 and show you the statistic that highlights some of the events and trends we picked up.

A staggering amount of 77 Voyage Reports was received as pdf-copies and we would like to thank you for not only sharing your reports with us, the Hotel Committee, but also taking the effort to put it into writing. This allows us to follow up with Senior Management on deficiencies, unsuitable hotels and directly getting in contact with hotel management, even if that station received a single report over the entire year!

40 reports were directly related to “Crew Rest Disturbance”, where some of them are simply the consequence to no updated bookings and the common calls from housekeeping/reception to check on the booking status with the crew member directly. Unfortunately, not all Voyage Reports are being properly investigated as they don’t always end up with the right department. Crew rest disturbances has also been brought up at the FSAG when you have filed ASRs after having delayed a flight.

Your reports are well received and enable us to show the trends and highlights to Senior Management, address omissions to OM-A/CWA requirements and provide proof to flawed bookings procedures etc. It also highlighted to the company that certain hotels were well below standard (e.g. GIG airport hotel) thus enabling us to address the issues with them and to subsequently move to approved and inspected hotels by the Hotel Committee like in Almaty, New York, Seoul and of course Anchorage. In Columbus our recommended hotel was disregarded and we were forced to move to the current hotel that still receives Voyage Reports.

Below we broke down a few highlights in more details such as:

The highlight and biggest issue in the last year was quite obviously the Anchorage Hilton with 26 reports alone and these reports were received within roughly 3 months! We sometimes received multimedia attachments to demonstrate the unacceptable outside noise level, got shown pictures of technical deficiencies in bathrooms, broken window handles and frames etc.

Various reasons led to this spike and in summary we can say that the vast amount of reports could have been avoided if we had either been able to stay at the Marriott or if we had been able to move quicker to the Sheraton. Unfortunately, the Marriott canceled the contract with Cargolux and forced us to the Hilton, were unfortunately the agreed renovated rooms were not always reserved for us as initially agreed by the hotel.

The reports we received for Hong Kong were only related to the airport hotels booked during the social unrest, the Regal and the Marriott. After being consulted again for the recent and temporary move to the airport, the Marriott SkyCity was selected. We clearly communicated to Senior Management our concerns due to the previous Voyage Reports we received, mostly related to aircraft and construction noise next door. We recommended the Novotel Hong Kong Citygate in Tung Chung, which was inspected by us in October 2019 with enough proximity to the airport and the Citygate Outlets in walking distance, with its many food and shopping options as well as the adjacent MTR station. The argument against it was, that social distancing in the Novotel Crew transport could not be guaranteed. 

The move from the JW Marriott was only supposed to be a temporary measure whilst the hotel underwent renovations. We were never consulted nor allowed to provide suitable alternatives whilst the renovations took place, and we were forced to move to the Sheraton. Most complaints were related to the inability to control the room temperature and noise complaints. We hope to have a suitable alternative soon that we are actively working on. 

During B2B operation we had seen a few cases were crews were booked in a B&B style hotel in Trier-Igel which was neither inspected nor would have ever been approved by us, as it was not fulfilling the basic requirements. In one case, a crew member had to report unfit for duty due to the inability to blackout the light. Similar cases were reported in the NH, which was used quite often on B2B operations, where the complaints mostly related to the lack of temperature control.

Many deficiencies occur when suitable hotels are not selected. This occurs as costs are the determining factor. The same cost cutting approach has caused cancellations of contracts by hotel managements at various destinations.

The detailed items show in the statistic, that your single report is vital in order for us to act and address issues with Senior Management and with hotels directly. The statistic also reveals the weakness of Cargolux’s booking system and process, mainly for Area 1 (North America), as the majority of Voyage Reports are addressing issues in the US (47). These issues are mostly linked to delays and schedule changes, that are not updated or being unnoticed due to the non-existing 24/7 coverage of A1 travel office.

As long as these issues are not eliminated, we still expect “Crew Rest Disturbances”, “No Bookings upon Arrival” to be happening in the future and we therefore would like to emphasize again every one of you to be vigilant and keep us sending your Voyage Reports, also during COVID-19 operations and social unrest. We have to maintain our minimum hotel standards, our first gate to maintain flight safety!

Stay safe and keep reporting!

Dirk Becker No Comments

Hotel Committee Update – 28 May 2020

Please find below another update on the current situation of our hotels.

As explained in the last ALPL Members Update in May, due to the increase in COVID-19 cases in Sao Paolo and Rio, there will be no layovers in VCP. The Hotel Committee was asked what recommended hotel could be used.

We normally stayed at the Pestana Hotel but due to the crisis it is closed. We contacted the Bourbon Curitiba Convention Hotel who advised that they were open for business and would provide breakfast and dinner from their restaurant.

We ask that you please provide any reports to the Hotel Committee at cvhotels@alpl.lu as this decision was done fairly quickly and we have not had a chance to view the hotel.

The Malaysian Health Ministry has relaxed the lockdown procedures and we have moved out of the Sama Sama airport hotel. Our normal hotel JW Marriott is still closed due to the crisis and they have arranged to move crew layovers at their partner hotel Ritz Carlton.

We were advised that breakfast may be available, but we need some feedback on what is the current situation.

The lockdown continues in these two cities. We are advised that SIN will continue the lockdown as late as September 2020. BKK has not indicated any timeline at this point in time.

Senior Management has agreed that when layovers in SIN are 2 nights/3 days a suite will be booked for those layovers to alleviate the harsh lockdown procedures imposed by the local authorities.

The recent events from the Chinese central government on new legislation that may be imposed on HKG has restarted the demonstrations in HKG. We ask that you pay attention what areas you venture into. Please ask the front desk or concierge what information they have on where the demonstrations may occur and avoid them.

On days where the demonstrations may hinder the area towards Kowloon (TST), we have recommended that the Novotel Tung Chung near the airport should be used for layovers.

If there are any deficiencies or recommendations, you would like us to address please send an email to cvhotels@alpl.lu

We regularly update the document of our current hotels for your information. Please click here to have a look.