Dirk Becker No Comments

Members Update – September 2020

Please find below an update concerning:

  • New Flight Time Limitations and Fatigue Reports
  • Direct Entry Captains
  • In-room Confinement at some Destinations
  • Peer to Peer Support 

New Flight Time Limitations and Fatigue Reports
Based on the feedback of our members we are pleased to announce that the new Flight Time Limitations, which have been implemented on 1 July 2020, have proven to be a major step towards fatigue mitigation and represent an important pillar for a safe flight operation. This was one of the main priorities during the last CWA negotiations.

Despite this improvement, it still is possible that pilots feel insufficiently rested and unfit to safely perform the next duty or series of duties. In such situations it is of utmost importance not just only to comply with the maximum flight time limitations in the CWA, but also respect OM-A, Chapter 6, Section 1. 

One reason why we emphasize the personal responsibility is the possibility of cumulative fatigue while operating several days in a row, which have not been addressed adequately in the regulations, especially when operating and resting against the body clock.

Please apply a very high and professional standard in determining your capability to safely operate any subsequent flight and remember that you might possibly face a situation where you have to justify your decisions. Therefore, please do not hesitate to ask for more rest should you require it!

As we have indicated in the past, maintaining a sleep log from the beginning of a rotation will assist you in making a professional and informed decision. Also, do not forget to file a proactive fatigue report when asking for additional rest, or a reactive fatigue report, if you experienced high levels of fatigue during a flight. In order to support any change in crew scheduling and rotation planning, fatigue reports by pilots are the most valuable and required data. Guidance on how to report fatigue can be found here.

Direct Entry Captains
The hiring of Contract Captains at Cargolux has always been a delicate and emotional topic. Since the last negotiations the CWA contains a paragraph (Art. 45.6.5) that limits the number of Direct Entry Captains to be hired whilst at the same time requires the company to continue promoting Senior First Officers to Captains.

We are monitoring the situation very closely and have asked Human Resources for an update on this topic. Please click here to read the latest letter that was sent to Human Resources on 18 August 2020. Please click here to read their reply.  

Additionally, this topic will be put on the agenda for the next Joint Delegation Meeting (formerly known as Comitè Mixte) in September 2020.

Latest now, limiting the amount of Direct Entry Captains to a maximum of 10 in the new CWA has proven to be very important, in contrast to the old CWA, where there was no hard limit in this matter.

In-room Confinement at some Destinations
We are concerned that additional authorities may apply the restrictive measures seen currently in BKK and HKG. SIN has improved somewhat by accepting pilots to exit their room for a short period of the day during layovers.

We have seen rotations where it is conceivable that a pilot may have an in-room confinement requirement at almost every destination. Our priority is to coordinate with Senior Management together with local authorities and request that pilots are able to move freely within the hotel property to enable for essential activities including physical exercises whilst respecting physical distancing requirements and wearing masks.

In our regular COVID-19 meetings with management we have discussed this again and requested that it is addressed before more restrictions are applied. Please click here to read the latest letter to the CEO.

Peer to Peer Support (PSP)
During COVID 19 we have seen new factors that definitely affects us pilots in our work environment. At Cargolux we have a functioning PSP in cooperation with Stiftung Mayday that enables, facilitates and ensures access to a proactive and non-punitive Pilot Peer to Peer Support Program that will assist and support flight crews in recognizing, coping with, and overcoming any problem which might negatively affect their ability to safely exercise the privileges of their license. 

Please remember that this is a support program and reaching out to Peers and professional psychologists will provide you with the help, with full confidentially, so that you can make decisions you need to operate safely during flight operations. These Peers and Professionals will be supporting you in your decision-making process. 

If needed and in order to obtain the maximum benefits of this program Cargolux pilots need to contact the PSP through the contracted agency of Stiftung Mayday via Phone: +49 (0)700 7700 7701 or email https://www.stiftung-mayday.de/en/cism-contact/

You may also contact our Human Factors Manager Gunnar Steinhardt. Gunnar offers support as aviation psychologist as well whilst guaranteeing full confidentiality. You may reach him via mobile +352 621 169 652 or email gunnar.steinhardt@cargolux.com

Dirk Becker No Comments

COVID-19 – In Room Confinement

in our last COVID-19 update regarding in-room confinement, we mentioned the necessity to approach the authorities at various destinations to improve the situations we as pilots have to cope with while on a layover. According to Senior Management this would be done via the air operator committees at certain destinations.

In addition to that, we urged management to put more emphasis in trying to alleviate the situation for pilots on layovers where severe restrictions and other issues like e.g. difficult access to food or hotels not meeting the agreed standards are evolving. 

Please click here to read the latest letter to the CEO and EVP Flight Operations, that was sent on Friday, 28 August 2020.

To get an overview of how many colleagues have already been scheduled for a layover at destinations where in-room confinement is or was required and whether or not these layovers are equally spread amongst the pilot community, we kindly ask you to complete the following short survey. This data will be used in the next COVID-19 meeting with Senior Management.

Click on the button below or follow this link to access the “In-room Confinement” survey.

Thank you for submitting it until latest Thursday, 3 September 2020!

Dirk Becker No Comments

COVID-19 – In Room Confinement

During the last couple of weeks, we have been progressively faced with the requirement of in-room confinement at some destinations. 
These restrictions were introduced by local authorities with the aim to reduce the risk of “importing” the virus into their countries and by no means take into account the nature of the business of the airlines, their location nor their internal protocols – should there be any – to protect their own staff from getting an infection. 
There is no doubt that those do not only constitute a significant cutback of personal rights, but also can have a detrimental effect on pilot’s health. While at the beginning it could be assumed that these conditions would only be in place occasionally and time limited, with again increasing coronavirus cases worldwide, there is a real risk that we as pilots could be faced with these restrictions literally for an entire trip for many more months to come, as more authorities could introduce similar restrictions. 
In the regular COVID-19 meetings with senior management these and other concerns have been brought up repeatedly since the onset of the pandemic, in order to ultimately find solutions to improve the current situation. Unfortunately, this involves authorities of different countries, who are the main stake holders and decision makers here.
Rest assured, that we as your representatives are not simply accepting the in-room confinement of our members.
Please click here to read the last letter concerning in-room confinement that was sent to the CEO on 17 August 2020. Previously sent letters and replies received regarding the same subject can be found here.

Dirk Becker No Comments

V-Day Bidding and Allocation Process 2021

Yesterday you have received an email from the Chief Pilots Office, announcing the start of the vacation bidding for the year 2021. With this email, we would like to explain one big change in the “Two Step Vacation Bidding System” concerning the V-Day bidding and allocation process.

Based on the result of the V-Day (formerly VOFF) Survey in December 2019 and to reestablish their original purpose, the bidding and allocation process for the V-Days as part of the “Two Step Vacation Bidding System” was amended in order to increase the individual success rate. Please click here to read the Letter of Intent (LOI), that was signed on 18 June 2020.

The History of the V-Days
Before digging deeper into explaining what has been changed, a brief reminder about the history of the VOFF days, which are now referred to as V-Days; 

The VOFF days were originally introduced in 2006. Once allocated they replaced the block of CODays in that roster period. With the Off- Day scheme that was introduced in January 2020, the VOFF days have been re-labeled V-Days and replace, once allocated, the A-Days in that roster period (calendar month).

Why was a change needed?
An increase of the individual success rate is especially important for colleagues with lower seniority during the highly requested vacation periods, because this bidding possibility should enable them to combine a probable low number of vacation days with V-Days in order to get a relatively decent guaranteed block of days off for possible vacation planning.

What has been changed?

  • The revised allocation process for V-Days remains seniority based.
  • Every pilot will be able to submit up to 8 requests, listed according to priority, including a preference, whether the V-Days should be located before or after the respective vacation period
  • Each pilot is entitled to have a maximum of 3 V-Day blocks per calendar year allocated.
  • With the previous allocation process all requests for one pilot were processed (and eventually allocated) before moving to the pilot with the next lower seniority. With the revised allocation process, the request with the highest priority for one pilot will be processed (and eventually allocated) before moving to the pilot with the next lower seniority, processing this pilot’s requests. The aim is that every pilot gets one request granted before the next pilot in line gets his/her request and so on. Once the requests of all pilots have been processed, allocation starts again from the top of the seniority list. Follow this link to a flow chart illustrating the process.
    With this method a fairer distribution should be possible, where colleagues with a higher seniority are most likely getting a larger number of vacation days during the peak times anyhow and colleagues with a lower seniority are now more likely able to get V-Days during the peak times.
  • Additionally, every pilot can now specify for which vacation period the “split & wrap” option of V-Days is valid for. The approval to split the block of V-Days and attach them before and after a block of vacation days can increase the chance of getting the days close to the targeted period. 

If you have any questions regarding the V-Day bidding and allocation process, please feel free to contact us at cvboard@alpl.lu.

Please click on the following links to download the ALPL Vacation Calendar 2021 and 2022.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Hotel Committee Update – August 2020

We would like to follow up on the latest changes in our hotel network sharing the implications of recent changes and provide some background information. 
Once again, we would like to thank all the colleagues who helped us with their reports bringing deficiencies to our attention and to provide feedback (both positive and negative) to changes made regarding our accommodation. These are a valuable contribution to our work particularly as we don´t always get the opportunities to suggest hotels to the company before a move is decided.
There are regular meetings with Senior Management to assess where the next COVID risks are, and these are held at least two weeks before moves are made. We are still expecting that we are part of the process to suggest all hotels in a collaborative approach predominantly because we are the end users of hotels.
Nutrition has been a real concern at many of the hotels. Location of hotels is therefore important where restaurants are open, even for pick up or delivery service. 
Please continue to provide reports on hotels and meal deficiencies via a Voyage Report on iQSMS as this information is passed on to Senior Management at regular COVID meetings to make the remedial changes. 
USA General
Due to the ongoing COVID crisis in parts of the US and the associated risks, Flight Operations Management has had to react in such a dynamic situation. This includes the suspension of layovers in certain destinations or, when risks are acceptable in certain states, to relocate hotel accommodation to safer areas such as in Texas. Many hotels still have limited inhouse restaurant facilities especially for breakfast where we see substandard quantity and quality.
The Westin Woodlands hotel in Montgomery County was selected without the consent of the hotel committee, however, after having checked it and after having received positive feedback from numerous flight crews the hotel committee has agreed to this temporary accommodation. The breakfast was far below what is considered a minimum nutrition value and once advising management the hotel will provide inhouse room dining between 07.00 and 09.00 local time.
The Embassy Suites in Denton was also unilaterally selected by the company without consulting the Hotel Committee. We are particularly concerned about the lack of (proper) nutrition as the restaurants in walking distance are fast food restaurants only. We would appreciate feedback from the crews whether the hotel and its surroundings are acceptable or not. As usual, please file a Voyage Report and send a copy to cvhotels@alpl.lu
Just as we were about to publish this update indicating that HKG layovers were being avoided, there has been a change. We are still determining what the situation will be at the hotel nominated by the authorities. As you will have noticed this is now the third destination where in room confinement is now mandated. Again any updated reports on the hotel would be appreciated.
It is very unfortunate that at this time the restrictions have been further tightened. We are still forced to stay at the Novotel airport hotel. The permission to leave the room and to visit the courtyard Thai Garden to alleviate total isolation in room confinements has been revoked.
We have to self-quarantine in the room and are not allowed to leave it unless it is for the next flight duty. Smokers can, however, request a smoking room. We would appreciate reports on quality of room service if it has changed. 
We are glad to announce that we will change hotels and return to the JW Marriott in the near future. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all colleagues who filed numerous reports to ensure that the CWA non compliances of the previous hotel accommodation could be challenged.
While we are happy to have returned to the Hyatt hotel, we unfortunately received reports about an unsatisfactory breakfast situation. The buffet is closed and instead crew members were only allowed to consume up to 400 Pesos (US$18) on the a la carte breakfast, which was not sufficient. 
We addressed this with management, and this has now been rectified with the following breakfast: “freshly squeezed orange, grapefruit or green juice or sliced fruit with plain yogurt, two eggs any style with hash brown and protein of your choice: turkey ham, bacon or country sausages, freshly baked pastries from “Amado” (two pieces) or whole wheat or white toast (two slices) American Coffee or tea”.
On 2 August we commenced flights to Huntsville. The hotel is the Westin Huntsville and is located in an area with plenty of restaurants that are open for business. As per the Hotel Policy two other hotels were also viewed so that tenders can be requested for a permanent contract. The Westin will be maintained for three months and has the following benefits:
Breakfast is open 07.00 to 09.00 local time and has an a la carte menu where a coupon is provided at check in. Currently no room service is available, however the restaurant is open in the evenings.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Cancellation of Staff Travel Agreement by Luxair

Luxair´s sudden cancellation of the staff travel agreement for Cargolux employees a couple weeks ago came as a surprise to all of us. After having lost all travel benefits on our own airplanes this development was rather a big setback for many of our members, especially for those who are dependent on Luxair ID tickets for commuting to and from work.
Meanwhile we have been informed by our CEO that Luxair proposed a new staff travel agreement to Cargolux, which covers both business travel and private travel for Cargolux staff. 
On 28 July 2020 the CEO requested the feedback from the Delegation to Luxair’s proposal regarding private travel. This proposal contains an increase of approximately 80% for the cost of a one-way ID staff ticket, which would be – more or less – in line with the revised travel-agreement implemented by Luxair for their own staff. 
After due consideration (lack of alternatives, flexible and cheaper ID tickets versus inflexible and expensive full fare tickets, the urgency of a timely reintroduction of the staff travel agreement, the risk of losing all travel benefits) the Delegation advised management in a letter dated 29 July 2020 to accept the proposal from Luxair. Nevertheless, a possibility to renegotiate the travel agreement after the COVID 19 crisis was mentioned in this letter. You can find the Delegation’s feedback following this link.
It was only in the CEO’s response to the Delegation’s feedback, that we learned, that Luxair’s proposal covers also “other business travel” Cargolux undertakes with Luxair and that “Cargolux will be looking at the overall package to the business in deciding if it represents value to the company or not.
On Saturday, 08 August 2020, the CEO informed the Delegation that he approached Luxair with “a request for an improved offer for private travel for our employees but have not heard anything to date” and that he was still waiting for a response. 
We will keep you informed about any developments.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Cancellation of Staff Travel Agreement by Luxair

On Friday, 17 July 2020, we again discussed the cancellation of the Staff Travel Agreement for Cargolux staff with the CEO. We stressed that this is a pressing issue for many of our members, which requires urgent attention. 

The CEO assured that he is aware of the impact caused by this cancellation. Unfortunately, to this date Cargolux has not received any feedback from Luxair on this issue yet.

For the time being, raising this topic whenever possible is all we as your Board can do to get this agreement reinstated. As stated before, this will mostly be at the discretion of Luxair.

Dirk Becker No Comments

ALPL Special Debrief 15 July 2020

In this “Special Debrief” we provide our members with important information about the first meeting of the Tripartite pour le secteur de l ´aviation” which took place on 14 July 2020.

We strongly recommend to spend some of your valuable time and to watch this edition, in order to help you to understand the process, why we as Cargolux pilots are affected and involved in this process. 

Dirk Becker No Comments

Sectional Tripartite – We need your support

As explained before, the government has asked for a meeting between the Unions, Luxair, Cargolux, Luxairport and government representatives, also referred to as “Tripartite pour le secteur de l ´aviation”The meeting is now scheduled to take place in the morning of 14 July 2020.
At this point it is still unclear what the government’s agenda items are but considering the general economic situation of the global aviation industry we realize that we are not immune against those challenges and that our fortunate situation working for a cargo airline could be jeopardized.
It must be noted, that only the extraordinary dedication and commitment of its pilots, who often accept considerable personal sacrifices, allowed Cargolux to play a significant role in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and to achieve the results of the past few months. 
Cargolux benefited from the increased demand for airfreight capacity in recent months. However, in light of the global economic crisis this could change any time and we could face similar problems as we see in many other airlines including Luxair. Considering this and how Luxair and Cargolux are interconnected, we must not neglect the fact, that changes within Luxembourg’s airline industry may be required, which in consequence could also have a negative impact on Cargolux.
In order to show the commitment of the Cargolux pilots and that their extraordinary dedication during the crisis shall not be forgotten by the government and the airline – when the future of Luxembourg’s aviation sector will be discussed in the Tripartite – the LCGB asks all Cargolux Pilots members to join the 

Rallye for the future – United for the future
of Luxembourg’s aviation sector!

14 July 2020
08.00 h

In front of the
Ministère de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics

4, Place de l’Europe
L-1499 Luxembourg