Dirk Becker No Comments

Hotel Committee Update – July 2021

We would like to share some information about the latest developments regarding hotels and accommodation:

USA general 
At the following destinations the additional allowance of 25$, to be claimed via CME, is applicable: ANCORDJFKDFW and SEA

We try to continuously monitor the quality and the offered options. As this is not always possible in a timely manner, we appreciate any feedbacks of changes (for better and worse) in order to be able to suggest alternatives.

Regarding HSV, we try to ensure that the originally agreed general standard in case of no buffet available (one main course, fruits, hot and cold regular beverage including all fees, taxes and gratuities) are met in the future.

As already communicated by the CPO we confirm the hotel change to the Sofitel Jumeirah Beach as of 01 August 2021. The Hotel Committee asked for this change because of the persistent noise exposure that some colleagues suffered from in the Hilton JBR hotel. We are confident that now we found a good solution in terms of the mandatory suitability while still offering a good variety of amenities.

The negotiated benefits of the Sofitel are:

  • 20% discount in restaurants & bars (excluding in room dining, mini bar and tobacco)
  • One complimentary uniform pressing per pilot per stay
  • Complimentary beach kit

The beach kit consists of a beach mat, towel, water and an umbrella. Please note that unlike in the Hilton, the sunbeds at the beach are owned by an external provider and are therefore chargeable.

For feedback please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via email to cvhotels@alpl.lu.

Michael Kaiser No Comments

Members Update – June 2021

Please find below an update concerning:

  • Non-compliance with CWA Art. 36.16.2. b)
  • Letters sent to management
  • Cure

Non-compliance with CWA Art. 36.16.2. b)
It has been brought to our attention by several pilots that, after helping the company and operating out of or into their OFF-days, crew-planning disregarded CWA 36.16.2. b) alt. 2. 

This provision states that in case the pilot opts for a 2 for 1 compensation, the OFF-days owed must be attached to the A-Days in the next unpublished roster. However, recently crew-planning stated that “In light of multiple restrictions (…) an internal working procedure for 2for1/Selling days was set last year by HR (…)” and that “a notice of 3 working days prior to roster publication” is required to accommodate such request. 

It is our position that the CWA in this context does not give any leeway for interpretation and that any amendment of the CWA requires the consent of all parties involved. Hence, we will not accept any unilaterally introduced procedure affecting the CWA and already asked the Unions and the Delegation to take appropriate action. 

Attached please find the latest communication by the LCGB to the CEO regarding this matter, including the reply from the EVP Flight Operations. We will discuss the next steps with the Unions.

Letter Unions
Letter reply

Letters sent to management
In recent months we have seen some developments at Cargolux that required more attention and action from our side. These are in particular:

Increased amount of computer-based training (CBT)
More training courses than in the past have been enrolled on Pelesys. To check whether this is still covered by the CWA, a letter was sent to Human Resources by the Delegation. Please click on the link below to read the letter. So far, we are still waiting for a reply.

Letter CBT

Recurrent Extended Rest Recovery Period (RERRP) in BKK
Some members informed us, that their RERRP was scheduled in BKK, a destination with in-room confinement requirement. It is our position that RERRPs at destinations with in-room confinement are not suitable to recover from a series of duties. A letter in this context was sent to the EVP Flight Operations. The reply is still pending.  

Letter RERRP

Triplist in PBS
For obvious reasons the triplist in PBS was removed last year when the COVID pandemic started and the option to bid for trips was suspended. In the meantime, however, the network seems to be more stable, and we see an increased number of repetitive trips. Therefore, a letter to the VP Flight Operations was sent by the Delegation with the request to reintroduce the option to bid for trips in the PBS. We are still waiting for the reply.

Letter PBS

Vaccinations in ANC
Some members suggested to speed up the vaccination process and to schedule flights to ANC with the appropriate rest period there in order to have the chance to get vaccinated in ANC. This was taken up by the Delegation and a letter concerning this topic was sent to the CEO recently. Please click on blow links to read the letter, including the reply.

Letter vaccinations ANC
Letter reply

As we are living in the second year of extreme stress and unprecedented changes and restrictions in our work, we can see the toll it has on us and our health.

For employees insured with the CNS there is the option of applying for a cure under certain conditions.

E.g. after you passed the age of 50 or you have certain health restrictions you are entitled to it. The most common place for that in Luxembourg is Mondorf Les Bains. Please click here for further information.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Members Update – Profit Share 2020

Without any doubt the Cargolux staff played an important role in achieving the unmatched financial result for the year 2020, which turned out to be the record year for Cargolux resulting in a record profit. Consequently, and as agreed in the Collective Work Agreement (CWA) the employees covered by the CWA are entitled to a profit share payment.
Following different opinions on how the profit share gross amount to be paid out to each employee should be calculated, Unions and Cargolux Management met in order to clarify how this calculation should be done. In this meeting the social partners agreed on the methodology of the profit-sharing calculation, solving their diverging opinion in the interest of the employees.
On 28 May 2021 an amendment to the CWA was concluded, which clarifies that the employer’s contributions to the social security system are paid by the company and not by the employees. Additionally, the amendment clarifies that the exchange rate to calculate the portion of the Profit-sharing an employee obtains in Euro, is the reporting date spot rate as disclosed in the company’s audited annual financial statements. This calculation is necessary as the company’s accounts are calculated in US Dollar while the individual profit share amount paid out is in Euro.
The amendment to the CWA will replace Art. 13.4.2 of the CWA signed on 05 August 2019, providing the employees covered by the CWA with the needed certainty how the profit share due for 2020 is calculated. Additionally, this amendment will provide the same clarity for any possible profit share payments which may become applicable for the years 2021 and 2022.
Art. 13.4.2 of the CWA defines the Qualifying Profit Before Tax (QPBT) as the consolidated profit before taxexcluding all capital gains/losses on sale of assets, and all items or losses of an extraordinary nature (i.e. not in the ordinary course of the business), but including profits or losses arising from forex exchange movements and “market to market” movements of the Company’s hedge portfolio, as disclosed in the company’s audited annual financial statements. This statement is available on the RCS webpage. Due to the Amendment of the CWA after the finalization of the 2020 accounts for the 2020 calculation, the employer’s social security contributions applicable to the profit-sharing need to be deducted separately from the QPBT, which is not yet indicated in the audited annual financial statement for 2020 but should be approximately 1,3% less than what is presently stated.
The number of employees is expressed in full time equivalent (FTE) considering the total number of worldwide employees on the company’s payroll with exception of exempt employees and managerial staff. Part time employees will be taken into account on a pro-rata basis. Resulting in 1854 FTE for calculation of the profit share to be paid to each employee.
As already explained above, to calculate the profit share amount to be paid out in Euro, the reporting date spot rate as disclosed in the company’s audited annual financial statements is used.
The profit share due is then calculated using the formula in Art. 13.4.1 of the CWA. Please note that for the calculation the full amounts in US Dollar including cents have been used while the amounts shown in financial statement only indicate thousands of US Dollar omitting hundreds and cents.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Members Update – May 2021

Please find below an update regarding: 

  • Memorandum of Understanding “Late Arrival before a Vacation Period”
  • Appointments for COVID-19 vaccinations

Memorandum of Understanding “Late Arrival before a Vacation Period”
In the new CWA 2020-2022, Art. 36.17.1 Vacation – General Rules was negotiated with the aim to protect any vacation period and to ensure that a pilot is scheduled to arrive at Home Base in due time before a vacation period commences. It was also clarified when the compensation for late arrival at Home Base before a vacation period as per aforementioned article of the CWA should be applicable.

In recent months however, we have seen cases where the application of this article was not always clear and different interpretations were possible, especially when off days were sold. Hence, it became necessary to find an agreement to add more clarity and transparency and to highlight the original spirit of Art. 36.17.1. 

Please click here to read the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that became effective with the signature date on 05 May 2021.

We are glad that there is a mutual understanding that pilots in general shall not work on vacation days and shall be scheduled to arrive back at Home Base as foreseen in Art. 36.17.1. of the CWA. Please note, neither the Luxembourgish labor law nor the CWA foresee the selling of vacation days.

In general, vacation days are precious for every pilot as these are allocated strictly according to seniority, and available slots – especially in the holiday season – are limited. Moreover, in the last CWA negotiations we managed to regain the lost vacation days from the “B-scale” and selling vacation days might not improve our position with regard to the next CWA negotiations. Therefore, we ask everyone to be mindful and to refrain from selling any vacation days.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at cvboard@alpl.lu if you have questions or need assistance.

Appointments for COVID-19 vaccinations
The COVID-19 vaccination campaign is slowly gaining pace and some of our colleagues already received their first dose. Whereas it should be possible to flexibly book an appointment for the first vaccination, it turned out that at least in Luxembourg the date for receiving the second dose is fixed. Thus, during that period it could be a challenge for both, pilots and crew control, to make vaccinations possible, which could evidently lead to some roster disruptions in the coming weeks and months.

Generally, when it comes to appointments for the vaccinations, solutions should be found, which are acceptable to both sides. Please send an email to cvboard@alpl.lu, if you require any assistance in this respect.

As per the OHS update sent on 3 May 2021, pilots are requested to schedule their appointments during their off – or vacation days to have a 48-hour period before the next flight. This however might not always be possible as the availability of slots may be limited. In such cases, please make sure to inform your Aeromedical Examiner or practitioner of the 48-hour requirement as per EASA SIB No.: 2021-06 and if necessary, obtain a sick note.

In the last Joint Delegation Meeting with Senior Management, we mentioned the disadvantaged treatment of pilots within the company in context with the requirement to schedule the appointments during off-time. Other employee groups are not subject to any restrictions on vaccinations during or before their working hours. In these cases, any incapacity for work due to side effects of the vaccination would be covered by sick leave during working hours, whereas pilots would have to carry the risk of being sick during their off days.

Thus, we asked for a compensation day to account for this, which unfortunately was rejected by Senior Management!

Michael Kaiser No Comments

COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Germany

With the vaccination campaign slowly speeding up, some German states (Bundesländer) opened the vaccination for persons belonging in category III “Erhöhte Priorität“. This priority group includes employees working for critical infrastructure service-providers, including personnel working in the transportation-sector, who are eligible to receive a vaccination against COVID-19.

Eligible are only persons who have their primary residence registered in Germany. 

Please note that for proof of eligibility further documentation is required. Depending on the state or possible even the local health authority (Gesundheitsamt) this might include a letter by HR, certifying that you are working as a pilot flying essential cargo. We contacted HR and received the information that the Company was preparing a certificate for pilots residing in Rheinland-Pfalz, which should have been sent out by now. A generic certification should be sent to all staff soon. Should the authorities for your place of residence require a dedicated form, we suggest that you get in touch with HR.  

Additionally, in some German states, it is possible now to volunteer for the AstraZeneca vaccination, regardless of a person’s age or other criteria.

If you chose to get vaccinated, we would like to remind you to schedule an appointment in accordance with all applicable OM-A and company restrictions regarding vaccinations. It is recommended by EASA that air crew should consider a waiting period of 48 hours after each dose of COVID-19 vaccinebefore engaging in any flight-related tasks, e.g. a Flight Duty Period or Standby in accordance with the privileges of their flight crew license.

Appointments for vaccinations are done on a state level. Kindly check for your state (Bundesland) how to schedule an appointment.

Michael Kaiser No Comments

Members Update – March 2021

Please find below an update regarding:

  • Cargolux Divisional Assembly 2021
  • COVID-19
  • Fatigue
  • ALPL Instagram Newsfeed

Cargolux Divisional Assembly 2021
The yearly ALPL Cargolux Divisional Assembly will take place on Wednesday, 21 April 2021. After the regular two-year term also a new Cargolux Divisional Board will be elected at this assembly. 

If you are interested in joining a team to represent your fellow colleagues and actively shape the future at Cargolux, we kindly ask you to become a candidate for the election of the new Cargolux Divisional Board by simply sending an email to cvboard@alpl.lu until latest 20 April 2021.

A separate invitation including more details and the agenda will be sent a few days before the assembly.

While we wait for the vaccines to be distributed in many of our home countries it is important not to let our guard down. Especially with the third wave of infections on the horizon, please continue to maintain the measures that we have in place to ensure we all remain safe.

In the US we see some States opening up restaurants/bars and at the same time not mandating the wearing of the masks in many public areas. If you have a layover in these States you might be confronted with a situation where people do not follow the safety recommendations, such as other guests not wearing their masks in the hotel lobby or lift.

In those cases, we suggest remaining professional and to avoid any conflict with those individuals by trying to change their behavior. The easiest is to avoid the situation and take the next lift or not be in these large gatherings at all.

Our Hotel Committee has been able to stabilize the hotels to the normal contracted ones at our destinations in the US. Many of them are in affluent areas where local residents follow most of the safety recommendations. Nevertheless, if there is a trend occurring that may be undesirable, the best is to remain in the confines of the hotel and obtain meals via delivery through various apps.

2020 has certainly been a year of change. Being in the cargo industry has seen a remarkable increase in operations mainly due to a lack of belly capacity space of passenger airlines and an increase in other areas of consumerism.

At Cargolux we have seen an increase in operations and there has been a change in the way we operate to avoid layovers at inadequate locations.

While Flight Operations is obliged to mitigate fatigue in advance, we know that they rely on the Biomathematical Model (BMM). The Aviation Safety Department (ASD) has assessed that the BMM in certain cases underestimates the real value of Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) when approaching high levels of fatigue. 

While we see less Standard Crew Operations, we do see a large number of augmented flights (3 or 4 pilots). Whereas it is observed that when operating with 4 pilots the long FDPs are managed, the three pilot operations, especially when shuttling back and forth from OVB-CHINA-OVB may be less so. 

We therefore would like to remind you that pilots are the only real source of the data when it comes to actual fatigue values in our operation. Maintaining a sleep log and accurately reporting any fatigue related events is crucial in ensuring that these real time data finds its way into the FRM system. Under this aspect, Fatigue Reports should be seen as a vital data source for the system. Please click here for some guidance on how to file a FR.

Furthermore, it appears that a number of colleagues are not familiar with the newly negotiated FDP limits and other restrictions in the CWA. Even if the willingness to assist the company during these times is understandable, please keep these limits in mind. It was very hard to achieve those in the last negotiations! In other words, helping out is ok, flying beyond any reasonable limit is not.

To familiarize yourself with the new CWA, we recommend to read and watch the “Know Your CWA” series, which is available on our website at www.alpl.lu.

As you know the ALPL Board uses various channels of communication, such as emails, Debrief videos and SMS to keep you updated. In order to further facilitate the flow of information we decided to use Instagram as an additional source of information for our members. If you are interested, please subscribe to alpl_cv_division to receive real-time updates and news. 

Dirk Becker No Comments

Hotel Committee Update – March 2021

Since our last members update we were mainly busy finetuning the details regarding the return to our contracted hotels in the US. This happens with a constructive dialogue between the Procurement Department, OHS, Compliance and us. We still have to ask you to remain patient while we are in the transition phase. In this update we will, however, give you some information on planned changes concerning hotel accommodation.

We have been informed that a number of reports have been filed regarding noise problems in the Hilton Jumeirah Beach.

A quiet room is of utmost importance for a crew rest. The amenities in the Hilton hotel are extensive. There is a variety of restaurants and food outlets on the hotel premises as well as beach access, giving us the opportunity to have a quality rest even when required to be in hotel confinement.

The Hotel Committee would not have any opportunity to inspect alternative hotels in the area, particularly as anyone would need a PCR test certificate to be allowed to leave the hotel. Furthermore, as this is the high tourist season, it was felt that any open hotels would be in a similar situation with higher occupancy.

Regarding the potential noise problems, we will remind the Hilton hotel management to allocate rooms on the more quiet side of the hotel (not facing the pool area and the adjacent construction site) and as far away from the elevators as possible. In order to enable you to ensure that this is respected when you check in, we would like to share the room numbering information: 

  • Even room numbers are facing the quiet side (south).
  • The lower numbers are further away from the elevator (eg #300 is the furthest, #350 is opposite of the elevator).

In summary it is the position of the Hotel Committee to stay at the Hilton resort. We expect the high amounts of hotel tourists to become less as soon as it gets hotter in the summertime. Furthermore, for many of us a layover in DWC will be followed by one or more layovers in BKK, where the harsh in-room confinement is still enforced. To give crew members a maximum amount of freedom beforehand is something that we would also like you to consider.

While we understand the significant problems related to disturbed crew rest, we are faced with the challenge to find suitable solutions. Therefore, we would like to encourage you to trust us and use the aforementioned information on quiet rooms to mitigate any issues, in case that the front desk fails to allocate suitable rooms in the first place.

Crews are allowed to move freely, however, the Fly Inn Baku airport hotel is the mandated accommodation for crews by the authorities. We monitor the development and will try to organize a move back to city as soon as we are allowed to do so.

Reestablishing layovers in IND started off on a bad foot. Our priority recommendation was the Conrad hotel, with the Omni as an alternate, suggested out of memory. Unfortunately, the quality of the Omni has suffered since we left it many years ago.

Thanks to your quick reports we were made aware of the deficiencies and agreed with management to reassess the situation and to contact the Conrad for an offer.

Due to certain deficiencies at the Hyatt we also agreed to move back to the Conrad.

We suggested to move back to downtown Chicago where the only known open option for the time being is the InterConti hotel.

In general USA
Regarding the overall breakfast situation in the US, it is the position of the Hotel Committee that we need some improvements in order to be CWA compliant. Therefore, we suggested to establish the following procedure:

We shall be entitled to: 

  1. Breakfast buffet where available. With COVID measures this may not be possible for some time.
  2. A‘la carte breakfast or Room service breakfast included in the room rate. That breakfast shall include a hot main dish, fruit, a regular hot beverage (coffee/tea), a juice and all supplementary fees like tax, delivery fee and gratuity. Premium hot beverages like Cappuccino would have to be paid by the individual crew member.
  3. A 25$ daily allowance where the above is not available or not up to standard. This will be claimed via the “Reporting” application on the iPad.

This was agreed on and Procurement will try to contact the relevant hotels for incorporating this into the room rate where applicable. We will keep you updated whenever there is a change.

Texas has lifted the requirements to wear masks in public, although it is still recommended by the US health authorities. We would like to emphasize that it is nonetheless in our own interest to use the available and known COVID precautions. Please stay vigilant!

Last but not least we would like to farewell Dave Wainwright from “Your Everloving Hotel Committee”. Dave has decided that sixteen years of organizing hotels is finally enough. We respect this decision and want to thank Dave for his commitment during such a long time. He will thankfully continue to be approachable to the rest of us, allowing all of us to benefit from his experience. Cheers Dave!

Michael Kaiser No Comments

Members Update – February 2021

Please find below an update in regard to: 

  • COVID – 19 Vaccination
  • New crew room facilities and crew parking
  • V-Day Survey

COVID – 19 Vaccination
In the recent Joint Delegation Meeting with Senior Management on 03 February 2021 the vaccination plan published by the Luxembourg government was discussed. This plan is based on recommendations by an Ethics Committee and currently foresees 6 phases.

According to that plan, Cargolux employees would only fall into phases 5 and 6, similar to other European countries. At the moment the law also only foresees to vaccinate people residing in Luxembourg with the exemption of employees working in the health care sector.

Furthermore, this vaccination plan doesn’t mention “essential workers”. In that meeting it was confirmed by Senior Management, that Cargolux employees should be considered as “essential workers” due to an increased exposure and that Management would continue to lobby the Ministry of Health to become a priority.

At the same time, Management mentioned that any offered vaccination would be on a voluntary basis and that there is no legal ground to force employees to get vaccinated anyway.

However, should there be additional restrictions by foreign governments in regard to entry requirements for crews, e.g. a mandatory vaccination, Management will get in touch with us. 

New crew room facilities and crew parking
In the same meeting we also received a brief update on the new crew room facilities at the airport. 

The facilities will be located inside the terminal building on the first floor facing the check in counters. It will consist of 2 rooms; 1 for check in and flight preparation, the other one will serve as a lounge area. There will also be a small changing room but unfortunately, due to limited space available, no storage room for luggage will be available. 

Parking space will be offered at a newly built dedicated staff parking lot next to the terminal building during summer and underground parking during wintertime. 

The briefing packages will still have to be picked up in the container at P7, mainly for maintenance reasons and more printers on site that could serve as back up printers.

Because of a delay by LuxAirport it will take most probably until the end of April until the facility will be available to the crews.

V-Day Survey
In December 2020 we asked you to complete a survey in regard to the bidding and allocation of V-Days for the year 2021 to find out whether the amended bidding and allocation procedure led to a better result than before.

Please click here to see the result of the V-Day Survey. Compared to the previous survey one year earlier we were able to identify the following amongst the participants: 

  1. An increase of the average success rate, and
  2. An increasing success rate with decreasing seniority. 

It is evident that the amended bidding and allocation process resulted in an improved success rate for pilots with lower seniority, which was the basic idea from the beginning. This is clearly depicted when looking at the trend lines 2020 and 2021 for Captains. The reason why the trend lines for First Officers are slightly different is due to the fact, that the average relative seniority of First Officers, who participated in the survey in their respective group was higher than the one of the Captains.

However, the bidding process and success rate for V-Days is closely linked to the vacation day bidding and hence depends on the number of allocated vacation days. 

We are aware of these problems and as communicated already in our Members Update in November 2020, there is a common understanding between Flight Operations Management, Crew Planning and Pilot Representatives that the vacation day bidding and allocation process needs to be fine-tuned in order to increase the individual success rate and to reduce the outstanding vacation days in the future. A well functioning vacation bidding system should subsequently also lead to a further increased success rate for V-Days.

Please understand that changing a complex system like the vacation bidding could inevitably lead to profound changes that will influence every pilots work-life balance and therefore each step needs to be evaluated very carefully. 

Dirk Becker No Comments

Hotel Committee Update – February 2021

In response to the letters sent to Senior Management on 21 January and 27 January we were invited to discuss the relevant hotel matters with the CEO on 02 February.

We are happy to announce that we found an agreement that the use of COVID-Escape-Hotels, when certain infection rates are reached, has become an obsolete procedure and that we will be accommodated in our normal contracted hotels in the US. These moves will be organized over the coming weeks and it was agreed that the Hotel Committee will be an integral part in the selection as stipulated in the CWA. We appreciate your patience during the transition period.

Once the moves commence, please provide feedbacks of any shortcomings to cvhotels@alpl.lu so that we can try to resolve these directly with the relevant hotels.

Monitoring of hospital capacity will still be done to determine whether it is safe to stay at the respective destinations or areas. It is our position that it has to be ensured, in case of a crew member falling sick, he/she has to have the possibility to get the necessary medical treatments.

Not all of our contracted hotels will have the level of service that we are used to. Particularly the food outlets might be affected, therefore we agreed with the CEO that, where no breakfast can be offered, a US$25 additional allowance is granted, which would have to be claimed via IQSMS Miscellaneous Expense Report.

There will be no obligation for flight crews to stay in hotel confinement as there are no legal grounds to demand this by an employer. However, depending on current infection rates the company might recommend staying within the confinements of the crew hotel for crew protection and business continuity.

We would also like to remind all members to be vigilant about possible COVID infections: Please apply all known COVID precautions including social distancing, wearing of PPE and hygene. Apart from the associated personal risks it would be counterproductive to suffer a spike in infections prooving our approach wrong, where we suggest accepting higher area infection rates but stay in familiar, affluent surroundings in our suitable hotels.

We would like to conclude in thanking our members, for their support and feedback. Filing reports and providing us with the copies enabled us to challenge the shortcommings and to have Senior Management reconsider the abovementioned procedure.

Dirk Becker No Comments

Members Update – Hotel Accommodation

In our last Members Update in January we mentioned the requirement for a joint effort by our members, the Hotel Committee, the Divisional Board and also the Union to tackle the issue of crew hotels that have been unilaterally chosen by management.

Since the publication of our last update, both Unions sent a letter to Senior Management to emphasize the importance to respect the CWA and to involve the Hotel Committee in the selection process. In addition, a letter questioning the necessity to change hotels as a mitigation procedure when predefined trigger levels are reached was sent by the President and Secretary of the Employee Delegation. You can read these letters and the response from the CEO by clicking on the below links:

Letter Unions
Letter Delegation
Answer by the CEO

We are glad to see that in the meantime crew layovers in MIA, IAH and ATL are again planned in our regular hotels which have been assessed and approved by the Hotel Committee in the past.

It is worth mentioning that your effort to file the respective reports when standards were not met or your rest was disturbed played an important role. Thank you very much and please remember; Your voice matters!