In response to the letters sent to Senior Management on 21 January and 27 January we were invited to discuss the relevant hotel matters with the CEO on 02 February.
We are happy to announce that we found an agreement that the use of COVID-Escape-Hotels, when certain infection rates are reached, has become an obsolete procedure and that we will be accommodated in our normal contracted hotels in the US. These moves will be organized over the coming weeks and it was agreed that the Hotel Committee will be an integral part in the selection as stipulated in the CWA. We appreciate your patience during the transition period.
Once the moves commence, please provide feedbacks of any shortcomings to so that we can try to resolve these directly with the relevant hotels.
Monitoring of hospital capacity will still be done to determine whether it is safe to stay at the respective destinations or areas. It is our position that it has to be ensured, in case of a crew member falling sick, he/she has to have the possibility to get the necessary medical treatments.
Not all of our contracted hotels will have the level of service that we are used to. Particularly the food outlets might be affected, therefore we agreed with the CEO that, where no breakfast can be offered, a US$25 additional allowance is granted, which would have to be claimed via IQSMS Miscellaneous Expense Report.
There will be no obligation for flight crews to stay in hotel confinement as there are no legal grounds to demand this by an employer. However, depending on current infection rates the company might recommend staying within the confinements of the crew hotel for crew protection and business continuity.
We would also like to remind all members to be vigilant about possible COVID infections: Please apply all known COVID precautions including social distancing, wearing of PPE and hygene. Apart from the associated personal risks it would be counterproductive to suffer a spike in infections prooving our approach wrong, where we suggest accepting higher area infection rates but stay in familiar, affluent surroundings in our suitable hotels.
We would like to conclude in thanking our members, for their support and feedback. Filing reports and providing us with the copies enabled us to challenge the shortcommings and to have Senior Management reconsider the abovementioned procedure.