As explained before, the government has asked for a meeting between the Unions, Luxair, Cargolux, Luxairport and government representatives, also referred to as “Tripartite pour le secteur de l ´aviation”. The meeting is now scheduled to take place in the morning of 14 July 2020.
At this point it is still unclear what the government’s agenda items are but considering the general economic situation of the global aviation industry we realize that we are not immune against those challenges and that our fortunate situation working for a cargo airline could be jeopardized.
It must be noted, that only the extraordinary dedication and commitment of its pilots, who often accept considerable personal sacrifices, allowed Cargolux to play a significant role in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and to achieve the results of the past few months.
Cargolux benefited from the increased demand for airfreight capacity in recent months. However, in light of the global economic crisis this could change any time and we could face similar problems as we see in many other airlines including Luxair. Considering this and how Luxair and Cargolux are interconnected, we must not neglect the fact, that changes within Luxembourg’s airline industry may be required, which in consequence could also have a negative impact on Cargolux.
In order to show the commitment of the Cargolux pilots and that their extraordinary dedication during the crisis shall not be forgotten by the government and the airline – when the future of Luxembourg’s aviation sector will be discussed in the Tripartite – the LCGB asks all Cargolux Pilots members to join the
Rallye for the future – United for the future
of Luxembourg’s aviation sector!
14 July 2020
08.00 h
In front of the
Ministère de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics
4, Place de l’Europe
L-1499 Luxembourg