On 05 May 2023 another meeting at the Office National de Conciliation (ONC) took place.
The Unions LCGB and OGBL as well as management provided the president of the ONC with an update on the ongoing CWA negotiations and the status of the priority claims since the conciliation process has started.
Referring to Cargolux management’s decision to contest the competence of the ONC on 24 March 2023, the president of the ONC made a clear statement that irrespective of the ongoing legal proceedings, the conciliation process is continuing.
Despite the more active engagement of the management negotiation team and the progress made in certain areas concerning work – life – balance, there is no or only little movement on many major union claims.
The next meeting at the ONC is scheduled for the 07 June 2023. Until then further negotiation meetings are planned to find acceptable solutions on the following 8 priority claims identified by the ONC:
- Salary increase and index protection (common claim)
- Harmonization of night supplements (pilots’ claim)
- New Salary Scale (ground-staff claim)
- Structured feedback (management claim)
- Disciplinary process (common claim)
- Job Security including ICV and refleeting (common claim)
- Working from home (ground-staff claim)
- Time accounts (ground-staff claim)