We would like to inform you that on 24 March 2023 the meeting at the Office National de Conciliation (ONC) took place.
After both parties presented their case, the ONC has acknowledged the impasse between the Unions and management. The ONC is now officially involved and has scheduled another meeting at the beginning of May in order to be informed of the progress of the negotiations.
The law foresees a minimum of 16 weeks of dialogue within the conciliation process. Only if no agreement would be reached within this time, either party could request a “non-conciliation”.
The acknowledged impasse by the ONC is also a clear signal to management to put more effort into finding an agreeable solution and to move away from their stalling tactics. From now on we expect management to sincerely negotiate all our claims and concerns to achieve true social sustainability.
The Unions communicated to management already that they are available to meet for further negotiations to find acceptable solutions until the next ONC meeting in May.