Crew rest onboard an aircraft during COVID-19

by Cargolux Board
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As communicated in the update on the same subject published on 05 November 2021, the issues related to the non-compliance of the crew rest onboard an aircraft during COVID-19 procedure with the CWA was addressed in a letter. Following this letter, we met with Senior Management on Friday, 12 November 2021, to discuss the topic.

We can confirm that the issue has been solved!

In that meeting it was confirmed by the CEO and the EVP Flight Operation, that:

  • The authorization issued by the DAC will be published in a Flight Crew Advisory.
  • For the crew that does have access to the bunksthe entire time spent onboard including the time on ground during the “unplanned onboard layover“ will be considered as credit hours” for the purpose of calculating supplements for night, Sunday and legal holidays and Duty Period Overtime as per CWA Art. 38.5.1.
  • For the crew that does not have access to the bunks during the “unplanned onboard layover“ and positions on the subsequent sector, all time spent onboard is considered as Duty Time and consequently counts towards all Duty Time Limits and the calculation of the supplements for night, Sunday and legal holidays and Duty Period Overtime as per CWA Art. 38.5.1.

    Additionally, the Minimum Rest Period following such an “unplanned onboard layover” shall be as long as the previous Duty Period, counting from the Reporting Time for the Flight Duty Period immediately preceding the “unplanned on board layover” until the end of the Duty Period immediately following the “unplanned on board layover”.

    This is fully in line with thereply we received from the DAC [link].

Management confirmed in this meeting that for all previous duties during which the “unplanned onboard layover” was applied, the Duty Hours would be corrected and payments of supplements and/or overtime if applicable would be adjusted accordingly. Please note that for a pilot who had access to a bunk the time spent resting while applying the procedure will not be reflected as Duty Time on the Crew Duty Sheet as such but will be considered in full by the Payroll Department.

At this time Management could not confirm until when the required correction would be done and reflected on the payslip of the pilots concerned. We recommend that you check your future pay slips and Duty Sheets.