Border Closure – Certificates to cross borders

by Cargolux Board
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Below we provide you with an important update regarding the different certificates needed to cross the borders between Luxembourg and Belgium, France or Germany.

Please keep in mind that, like with anything else in these days, things may change at last minute and may not have been communicated to or known by Cargolux or us. The information below was accurate on 18 March 2020 at 22.15UTC.

Your registered address with Cargolux is in Luxembourg
If your address on file with HR is located in Luxembourg, you will not receive any form or certificate for border crossings.
If you have registered your temporary accommodation e.g. “crash-pad” in Luxembourg with HR, but actually are commuting to Luxembourg from any other country, you must contact HR. Please do so via email at and request what HR refers to as “World Certificate“. This is a generic form, which certifies that you are employed by Cargolux and that your services are needed. This form is intended to help you crossing the borders when commuting to/from Luxembourg.

Your registered address with Cargolux is in Germany
On Wednesday 18 March 2020, HR sent to each pilot, with a residence in Germany as per their records on file with HR, a new certificate [link]. This new certificate is based on the official form provided by Germany’s Federal Police (Bundespolizei). Please check if you have received it at your Cargolux email account.

Your registered address with Cargolux is in Belgium
HR sent to each pilot with a residence in Belgium as per their records on file with HR, the certificate for cross-border workers residing in Belgium [link]. Please check if you have received it at your Cargolux email account.

Your registered address with Cargolux is in France
HR sent to each pilot with a residence in France as per their records on file with HR the certificate for cross-border workers residing in France [link]. As far as we know, there are additional form(s) required for cross-border workers residing in France. More information is available here. Please check if you have received all required certificates at your Cargolux email account.

You are asked to contact HR immediately if you have not received the required documents for your particular situation. In case you have any questions or need assistance, please contact HR preferably at Please keep in mind that the HR department is also affected by the requirement to work from home.

Please carry the relevant certificate(s) and your Luxembourg social security card with you at all times.