On 13 June 2018 the first meeting for a new CWA took place. Members of the LCGB negotiating team as well as from the OGBL attended this meeting. The company was represented by Richard Forson, CEO, Maxim Straus, CFO and Emese Bekessy, EVP HR, Legal Affairs and Compliance. During this meeting no negotiations took place, but management rather, as foreseen in Luxembourgish law, gave a broad overview of the present economic situation of Cargolux.
There will be an inter-syndical meeting between representatives of the LCGB and the OGBL with the aim to coordinate the strategy and to present a common claims list. Also, it was agreed that the claims catalogue will be handed over in the near future and a subsequent meeting was scheduled for 5 July.
Please click here to have a look at the LCGB negotiation team.
We will of course continue to inform you about the content and progress of the negotiations.