CWA negotiations survey

by Cargolux Board
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At the end of 2017 we might be faced again with negotiations for a new Collective Work Agreement (CWA). Whilst we already have a list of things that need to be improved, we would like to ask every one of you to tell us what you think our goals should be during these negotiations.

The purpose of the survey is to highlight the most pressing issues you as a pilot would like to see changed with the future of Cargolux in mind.

Please take the time to write us a short text or some bullet points with items you would like to see changed or improved, bearing in mind that the ALPL Cargolux Divisional Board is working on different issues at the same time and that some of these working subjects might be resolved by the time new negotiations will start.

As we obtain all the feedback of all the members we can then proceed and identify the core subjects of the information we received from you. Please complete the survey until latest 31 July 2017.

When answering the survey, we kindly ask you to be concise and to list the points in order of priority. We also ask you to think about what you personally are willing to contribute to achieve these goals – Don´t take things for granted!